Tuesday 25 October 2022

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Thibault Boulvain defended his dissertation in 2017 at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne on visual representations of HIV-positive status and AIDS in Europe and the United States between 1981 and 1997. The resulting book, L'art en sida. 1981-1997, was published in June 2021 by Presses du réel (collection "Œuvres en sociétés").


Thursday 20 October 2022

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


The artist Haegue Yang creates installations composed of photographs, videos and sculptural elements from her philosophical and political research. Responding to the places where she exhibits, she creates new in-situ installations integrating both the architecture of the exhibition space and the materials collected around it. Her refined yet singular vision of materiality, combined with an elegant sense of space and atmosphere, contribute to the development of enveloping and resonant installations.


Wednesday 12 October 2022

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


"With Isadora Duncan, Jérôme Bel drew up for the first time the danced portrait of a choreographer, after having concentrated exclusively on the life of the dancers. For this new creation, which he describes as "auto-bio-choreo-graphic", he lends himself to his own exercise and delivers his personal account of a life of dance.

From saturday 10 september 2022 to sunday 2 october 2022

Wed. to Sun. 1pm-7pm


153 avenue Jean Jaurès, Aubervilliers

At the initiative of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, Felicità Milieu des choses invites the thirty-five artists Felicità 2020 and 2021 of the Beaux-Arts de Paris to offer a very personal reading of the environment and its edges, on a proposal by the artist and curator Thomas Fougeirol.

"Each artist is a milieu around which multiple ecosystems gravitate, the result of a personal history and different socio-cultural contexts. How sensitive are we to other environments, to others in their environments? The world is full of objects and connections are made at lightning speed, the artist must slow down to make other things, other events with a deep and intimate resonance. The skin, the texture of these things and performances are like drums, they materialize deep sounds.

If some artists think of the thing as a target to be reached by planting its arrow in its middle, others explore its edges." Thomas Fougeirol

Organized outside the walls, the exhibition Felicità Milieu des choses is the result of a collective work. The works and performances have been imagined to take over the large 1,800 m2 plateau of POUSH in Aubervilliers.


A publication accompanies the exhibition.

Curated by Thomas Fougeirol.



Congratulated 2020

Among the 94 students who graduated in 2020, 14 were congratulated by the jury presided by Béatrice Gross and composed of Marc Bembekoff, Mohammed Bourouissa, Emilie Renard and Barthélemy Toguo.

Kenia Almaraz-Murillo, Amie-Sarah Barouh, Thibaut Bouedjoro-Camus, Audrey Carmes, Diane Chéry, Gabriel Day-Boulongne, Théo Krief, Gaspard, Elsa Michaud, Chalisée Naamani, Keijiro Nagamine, Winnie Mo Rielly, Robin Rozenkranc, Lucas Tortolano.

Congratulated 2021

Among the 123 students graduating in 2021, 21 were congratulated by the jury chaired by Thomas Fougeirol and composed of Alexandra Baudelot, Aude Cartier, Gaëlle Choisne, Marianne Lanavère, Julia Marchand, Myriam Mihindou and Matthieu Poirier.

Chadine Amghar, Barbana Bojadzi, Lucas Bouan, Félix Bouttier, Javier Caro Temboury, Clara Champsaur, Clément Courgeon, Pauline d'Andigné, Darya Danilovich, Elisa Florimond, Clédia Fourniau, Juliette Green, Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos, Halldora Magnusdottir, Dylan Maquet, Hedi Nabil, Louise Rocard, Eulalie Thebault Maviel, Eugénie Touzé, Chloé Vanderstaeten, Constantin Von Rosenschild Paouline.

Practical information

Subway : line 7 station Fort d'Aubervilliers
Bus : 152, 330, N42
Bicycle : vélib station at 3 mn walking distance

Free access


Festive opening day on Saturday, September 10

Program of animations and performances :

3:30 pm : Audrey Carmes

4pm : Diane Chéry

4:30 pm : Clément Courgeon

5pm : Elsa Michaud

5:30 pm : Lucas Bouan

6pm : Lucas Tortolano


Saturday 25 June 2022

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre de morphologie

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Cercle s'ouvre - Invitation by Fanny Béguery, 2011 graduate

& Sa marmelade

Shrouded and the Dinner - created in 2012 by the coming together of five friends, Sylvain Azam, Astrid de la Chapelle, Adel Ghezal, Lina Hentgen and Julien Tiberi, at the invitation of a concert for the magazine Mercure - has continued on its musical path ever since, a gruppetto that is constantly letting go and holding on like this. 

From thursday 30 june 2022 to saturday 2 july 2022

Thursday to Saturday 1pm - 7pm

Atelier de dessin

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

Exhibition of the four candidates and the winner of the 2022 Contemporary Drawing Prize, awarded by the association Le Cabinet des amateurs de dessin des Beaux-Arts de Paris. The winning artist receives €4,500 and one or more of his or her works are acquired by the Cabinet Bonna to enrich its collections.

List of nominees 2022 :

Cassius Baron

Alexis Gavriloff

Elina Huneman

Louise Janet

Léa Le Floc'h


2022 Prize Selection Committee: Sylvie Prouté, Annie Prouté, Emmanuel du Douët de Graville, Daniel Guerlain, Nicolas Joly, Laurie Marty de Cambiaire, Kathy Alliou and Emmanuelle Brugerolles.

President of the jury: Stanislas d'Alburquerque

Members of the 2022 jury: Matthieu de Boisséson, Florence Guerlain, Cecilia Hottinguer and Daniel Thierry.


Curators of the exhibition :

Emmanuelle Brugerolles and Enzo Meglio


Free admission to the exhibition

From 30 June to 2 July 2022

1pm - 7pm

Drawing workshop

14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6


Drawing : Colère Graphite on paper, 50x60cm, 2021 - Tiziano Foucault-Gini


From thursday 30 june 2022 to saturday 2 july 2022

Thursday to Saturday 12am - 7pm

Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

The exhibition presents the 12 winners of the 2021 prizes and bursaries awarded by the Friends of Fine Arts in Paris

The Prizes of the Friends of Fine Arts in Paris

agnès b., president of the Friends of Fine Arts in Paris and the members of the board are pleased to present the 7 winners, including two artists ex æquo, of the 6 prizes awarded by the association in 2021.
Arnaud Adami, Barbana Bojadzi, Max Coulon, Juliette Green, Elise Nguyen Quoc, Valentin Ranger, will each receive an endowment of 5,000€ (for the ex æquo the endowment is shared) on the decision of the members of the jury1 with regard to the whole of their work and the relevance of their artistic approach.

These prizes are intended to provide financial assistance to students of the École des Beaux-Arts and to facilitate their transition to professional life. With the exception of the Portrait Prize, which is open to all, they are reserved for 3rd and 5th year students.

In 2021, six sponsors have offered a prize of €5,000.

  • agnès b., for the agnès b. prize created in 2008
  • The Thaddaeus Ropac gallery, for the Thaddaeus Ropac prize created in 2008
  • Bertrand de Demandolx-Dedons, for the Portrait Prize created in 2012
  • Nathalie Prouvost, for the Khalil de Chazournes Prize created in 2018
  • Cabinet Weil, Gotshal & Manges, for the Weil Prize created in 2018
  • The members, for the Friends' prize created in 2019

The Friends of the Beaux-Arts de Paris grants

agnès b., president of the Friends of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, and the members of the board are pleased to exhibit the three artists who will be awarded grants in 2021.
Olivier Bémer, Tania Gheerbrant and Hatice Pinarbasi will each receive an endowment of €5,000, as decided by the members of the selection committee1, in recognition of their body of work and the relevance of their artistic approach.

The François Dujarric de la Rivière grants

agnès b., president of the Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris, and the members of the board are pleased to exhibit the two artists who won the François Dujarric de La Rivière grants in 2021.
Angela Noir and Ayuna Ochirova will each receive an endowment of 5,000€ after the jury1 has decided on the quality of the artistic files, their richness and finesse, as well as the strength of the candidates' artistic commitment.
The François Dujarric de la Rivière scholarships, each worth €5,000, are awarded every year to two students who have passed through the VIA FERRATA preparatory class and been admitted to the Beaux-Arts de Paris. They are awarded on the basis of social criteria, the quality of the artistic file, success in the competitions, personal investment and motivation.
VIA FERRATA would like to warmly thank the Friends and the Dujarric family for the precious support given to its students through this award.


The 2021 Friends' Prizes can be found on the Atlas des Beaux-Arts de Paris

More information on the Amis des Beaux-Arts or become a member of the association


Monday 27 June 2022

9:00am - 5:30pm

Amphithéâtre d'Honneur

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


The aim of this day is to take stock of the work of young researchers on the history of the School. It is organised within the framework of the constitution of the Reg-Arts database, which will provide access to the register of painting and sculpting students at the École des Beaux-Arts de Paris from the 19th century to 1968, i.e. more than 12,000 people.


9:00 Welcome by Alexia Fabre, Director of the Beaux-Arts de Paris


9:10 am About the Reg-Arts project

From Thursday 30 June 2022 to Sunday 3 July 2022

12:00pm - 7:00pm

Beaux-Arts de Paris

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris et 126 rue des Rosiers, 93400 Saint-Ouen



From 30.06 to 3.07
Free admission

The Open Workshops are a unique opportunity to discover the young creation and artistic diversity produced by the students of the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

Some thirty studios are transformed into an exhibition space where students can meet, offering a panorama of work produced from the first to the fifth year: installations, paintings, photos, sculptures, videos, etc.

Tuesday 14 June 2022

6:00pm - 7:30pm

Amphithéâtre d'Honneur

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


The Beauty Chair welcomes Ann Veronica Janssens, María Boto Ordoñez, Heleen Santobin, and Liliana D'Alba for an interactive conference.

Dr. María Boto Ordoñez and Ann Veronica Janssens, visual artist and professor at the École des Beaux Arts de Paris, combine their interests around the sensory experience of colour and attempt to create new forms of beauty. In living beings, colours come from pigments and structures. Structural colouring produces colour through microscopically structured surfaces in layers thin enough to interfere with visible light.