Les Louanges

Submitted by florence_cazillac on Wed 23/03/2022 - 11:26

"The Fine Arts manuscript offers to the one who looks at it immense pleasures and opportunities for reflection and meditation that are no less."
Éric de Chassey, Director of the INHA


A work halfway between illumination and calligraphy reproduced for the first time and accompanied by critical texts on this image-poem by Raban Maur (9th century) whose verses draw sacred and symbolic figures.


Le Partage d'une passion pour le dessin vol. 1 & 2

Submitted by florence_cazillac on Mon 28/02/2022 - 12:45

Volume 2

Richly illustrated, this second volume offers a panorama of all the works acquired over the last five years by the association. Under the direction of Emmanuelle Brugerolles, the book is enhanced by more than two hundred illustrations. Twenty-two art historians analyze the drawings that make up the richness of this collection.

Contributions from: Jean-Baptiste Delorme, Corisande Evesque, Angélique Franck-Niclot, Pierre Georgel,David Guillet, Blanche Llaurens, Anne-Cécile Moheng, Benjamin Peronnet, Baptiste Roelly, Nicolas Schwed

Guide de la Chapelle

Submitted by florence_cazillac on Thu 20/01/2022 - 13:05

This book traces the fascinating history of the Chapelle des Beaux-Arts in Paris.

It was Queen Margot who had it built, and work began in 1608.
Later, with Alexandre Lenoir, it became the Museum of French Monuments (1795-1816).


Finally, it housed copies of sculpted or painted works within the School. This historical presentation is followed by a catalogue of the works and copies of works currently exhibited in the chapel. It is designed as a tour from left to right, with detailed photographs of the vestibule, the bays, the back wall and the Praise Chapel.

Pascal Rousseau wins the Pierre Daix Prize for Hypnosis

Submitted by florence_cazillac on Fri 03/12/2021 - 09:39

Pascal Rousseau, a specialist in the historical avant-gardes and professor of art history at Beaux-Arts de Paris, is the winner of the Pierre Daix Prize for Hypnosis. Art et hypnotisme de Messmer à nos jours published by Beaux-Arts de Paris éditions in co-publication with the Musée d'arts de Nantes.


Pascal Rousseau presents in this book how hypnosis has always fascinated artists and intellectuals. In it he exposes the surrealists but also contemporaries from Freud to Lacan. The book also received the 2021 art book award.


Respirer l'ombre

Submitted by florence_cazillac on Wed 24/11/2021 - 10:13

Giuseppe Penone, born in Italy in 1947, is associated with the Arte Povera movement. He constantly mixes two practices: sculpture and observation; they go hand in hand and organize his work.


An artist of international renown, he has had numerous solo exhibitions: Paris, Centre Pompidou, 2004; Venice Biennale, 2007; Château de Versailles, 2013; Florence, Les Offices, 2021; Paris, BNF, 2021.


Réflexion sur la couleur

Submitted by florence_cazillac on Tue 31/08/2021 - 09:52

Dedicated to the work of the famous Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez, this reprint in French of Reflexión sobre el color, published in Spanish in 1989 by the Juan March Foundation, offers an overview of the work of one of the most important artists in Latin America. Known for his research within the kinetic movement, his experiments have influenced ideas about color. 


Album à colorier

Submitted by florence_cazillac on Tue 31/08/2021 - 09:40

This coloring book is made from 24 photographs by Patrick Faigenbaum, professor at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.
Patrick Faigenbaum's first images date from the early 1970s. He quickly became a portraitist of humans, but also of objects and places.


Hypnose from Pascal Rousseau - Art Book Award 2021

Submitted by florence_cazillac on Mon 28/06/2021 - 08:31

Pascal Rousseau, professor of art history at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, is the winner of the Prix du Livre d'art 2021 for his book Hypnosis, art and hypnotism from Mesmer to the present day, co-edited by the Beaux-Arts de Paris and the Nantes Museum of Art. This prize rewards a work in the field of art history and fine books, distinguished by a prestigious jury, which is aimed at a wide audience and must offer its readers an original approach to a theme, a work or a field, of which it renews the interest. An endowment of 3,000 euros accompanies the prize.



1081 Peintures

Submitted by florence_cazillac on Fri 21/05/2021 - 09:55

In the form of a catalog raisonné, this monograph lists all the works of Nina Childress, painter and head of the studio at the Beaux-Arts de Paris - from her first painting in 1980 to those of 2020. The phosphorescent cover of the book recalls the recent works. The reproductions follow one another in a systematic chronological order. They are meticulously captioned: year, medium, dimensions, location (public or private, destroyed or lost paintings), exhibitions, publications. Paintings for which there is no photo are replaced by a green background.