
Monday 20 March 2023

7:00pm - 8:30pm

Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Due to the social movement, we are unfortunately obliged to cancel Amira Casar's new reading "je touche encore aux frontières d'un mot et d'un autre pays" (I still touch the borders of a word and another country) organised in partnership with the Printemps des Poètes


"LOVE AMONG THE RUINS" could have been the title of this unique evening, so dear is this poem by Robert BROWNING to Amira CASAR. The Austrian Ingeborg BACHMANN's "Bohemia" won the day, for its breath of fresh air that straddles borders. With her, Rainer Maria RILKE, Anna AKHMATOVA, Henri MICHAUX, Anna DE NOAILLES, Marceline DESBORDES-VALMORE and so many others who have the voice high in the blood.


All this under the protection of the equestrian statue of the Colleone, Michelangelo's "Last Judgement", reinterpreted by a romantic painter, and the numerous casts of works from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in the sumptuous chapel of the Beaux-Arts de Paris. The "Chapelle des Louanges" is the name given to this vestige of the former Petits-Augustins convent, founded at the beginning of the 17th century by Queen Marguerite de Valois. A ship with a wooden vault in the middle of Paris, preserved to set sail in the company of Amira CASAR, Marie-Suzanne DE LOYE and Rusan FILIZTEK.


in partnership with the Printemps des Poètes

Practical information

Monday 20 March at 7pm
Chapelle des Petites-Augustins

Free admission upon reservation, subject to availability: