Friday 4 November 2022

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Never work: the youth of Guy Debord.
Dialogue with Frank Perrin on the occasion of the publication of his essay Guy Debord, Printemps at Louison Editions.


"They are barely twenty-one years old on average. They form a tribe of the clean slate, a family of unprecedented demolition. 
In the post-war Saint-Germain-des-Prés, they reject the mirages of the Trente Glorieuses: happiness, work, success. They don't want to be happy, they don't want to work, they don't want to succeed, and they don't care about the future. They want to turn the world upside down. 
These lost children are Michèle (Bernstein), Ivan (Chtcheglov), Asger (Jorn), Gil (J. Wolman), Ralph (Rumney), Éliane (Papaï), Jean-Michel (Mension), Serge (Berna), Kaki (Harispe), Jean-Claude (Guilbert), Vali (Myers) - and all of them gravitate towards Guy (Debord). The secret enterprise of subversion in which they embarked would later be called situationism. For the moment, they are young and live this dawn as a masterpiece.


In this kaleidoscopic biographical essay, Frank Perrin restores the mysterious magnetism of a frenzied youth whose compass was Guy Debord. 


Frank Perrin is an artist. He was a philosopher and art critic, founder of the magazine Blocnotes in 1992 and, in 1998, of the magazine Crash. A polymorphous agitator, he constantly inspects the schizophrenia of advanced capitalism with his work. 

Today he works with the Michel Rein gallery.


Penser le Présent is supported by Société Générale.
Free admission subject to availability

Photo credits: All rights reserved