Thursday 19 May 2022

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Has everything become a network? The network is constantly multiplying: information network, communication network, biological network, power network, neural network, social networks...

The exhibition "Réseaux-Mondes" (Feb. 23-Apr. 25, 2022) at the Musée national d'Art moderne - Centre Pompidou questioned the place of the network in today's society, which is permeated by social networks and the dematerialization of the network, through the works of some sixty artists, architects and designers. From the birth of the information society, in the post-war period, to the ubiquity of the Internet on a global scale, the network weaves its web everywhere, in space and time. More than ever, the network is at the heart of societal issues and artistic and technological mutations. But the first network is also that of the living, which links species together, generating new forms of connections.


Olivier Zeitoun is a curator in the Design and Industrial Prospective department of the Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, in Paris. A graduate in philosophy and art history, and in social sciences, he works on exhibitions and acquisitions of the museum, contributes to publications, and participates since 2017 in the cycle Mutations/Créations, through the exhibitions "Imprimer Le Monde" (2017), "Coder le Monde" (2018), then as curator with M-A Brayer of the exhibitions "La Fabrique du Vivant" (2019), and "Réseaux-Mondes" (2022). In 2022, he will be co-curator of the exhibition "Mimesis, a living design", at the Centre Pompidou Metz. He also continues his teaching activities (ESAD Reims) and his research and publications as an independent curator. His research focuses on issues related to the digital field in the fields of art and design through transverse approaches.


Penser le présent is produced with the support of Société Générale.

To be found in podcast at D+7.


Free admission subject to availability of seats