Thursday 6 June 2024

6:30pm - 8:00pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


Launch of the book L'Art en question by Gloria Anzaldua in the presence of Jules Falquet, Camille Back, Ana Mendoza Aldana and Seynabou Sonko. Published by Beaux-Arts de Paris éditions.
Jules Falquet is a professor of philosophy at the University of Paris 8-St Denis and a member of the LLCP. She works on Abya Yala's social movements resisting neoliberal globalisation, materialist and decolonial feminist epistemologies and the interweaving of social relations. With Paola Bacchetta, she proposed the first French translations of the work of Chicano feminists (Anzaldúa, Moraga, Alarcón) (Cahiers du CEDREF 2011).

Camille Back has a doctorate in Hispano-American Studies from the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, where she defended her thesis on the erasure of the contributions of the Chicana lesbian activist Gloria Anzaldúa during the emergence of queer theory. Drawing on Anzaldúa's work, her research aims to highlight the way in which queer theory was founded on the marginalisation of non-white poetic and theoretical proposals. She teaches on fixed-term contracts in the Spanish department at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord.

Ana Mendoza Aldana is an exhibition curator and art critic. She is currently in charge of communications, publishing and curatorial research at the Centre d'art contemporain d'Ivry - le Crédac.
Seynabou Sonko is an author, singer, performer and composer. Her first novel, Dinns, published by Grasset in 2023, won the Cheval Blanc literary prize.