The PSL University Beauty Chair(s) accompanies the implementation of projects dedicated to prospective approaches around the notion of beauty and launches its first call for collective and transdisciplinary projects. It is open to the entire academic community (from the exact sciences to the arts, including the humanities and social sciences) without restriction in terms of disciplines or methodology. One to three projects will be selected and will benefit from support ranging from 5,000 to 30,000 euros.


In coherence with the scientific diversity present within PSL, the projects must be multidisciplinary and develop an approach that works, questions, updates or displaces the notion of beauty. These multidisciplinary and collective project(s) are intended to initiate an international reflection and will be evaluated according to their capacity to initiate integrative research dynamics.


The chosen theme - Future Beauty - should invite the candidate teams to develop, with inventiveness and singularity, a conception of beauty capable of dialectizing the challenges we will face in the future, and to articulate aesthetic projections and ethical, technological, ecological or cultural issues.


Closing date for applications is November 15th 

