Japan and the Beaux-Arts de Paris have a very strong bond, and are emblematic of the School's international strategy, with partnerships spanning more than 30 years. Nearly a dozen students exchange ideas every year, and joint educational and artistic projects are organised.

As part of the Franco-Japanese programme with the Tokyo University of the Arts, 10 students from various workshops are going to Japan with Emmanuelle Huynh for a 10-day workshop with students from the Global Art Practice master's programme. The theme of fluidity is being studied for this new edition, and will give rise to theoretical work and performances by the teachers and students involved in the project.

Meanwhile, Jean-Baptiste de Beauvais, Director of Studies, and Bénédicte Mahé, Head of International Relations, will be meeting the 4 academic partners of Beaux-Arts de Paris: Otemae University; Kyoto City University of Arts; Tokyo University of the Arts; Musashino Art University.