Thursday 7 October 2021

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Christine Macel is an art historian and exhibition curator, general curator of heritage, and head of the Contemporary Creation and Prospective Department at the Musée national d'Art moderne du Centre Pompidou. Among many exhibitions, she was curator of the 57th Venice Biennale and, most recently, curator of the exhibition "Elles font l'abstraction" at the Centre Pompidou.

She will discuss curating exhibitions with Alain Berland.



Penser le Présent is realized with the support of Société Générale

From friday 15 october 2021 to sunday 28 november 2021

Wed. to Sun. 1pm-7pm - Closed Mon. and Tue.

Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

Exceptional closing at 5 pm on Sunday, November 28

The work of the artist Leonor Antunes takes its point of departure in a history of modernity of which she privileges the shadowy zones, those in particular where many women designers, architects or artists have been relegated. In the exceptional settings of the Chapelle des petits Augustins at the Beaux-Arts de Paris and the Maison André Bloc in Meudon, various figures will emerge: the Japanese Michiko Yamawaki, a resident of the Bauhaus (1930-1932), and Charlotte Perriand, with works produced during her stays in Japan (1940-1942, 1953-1955). A new set of ceramic sculptures and suspensions placed in the center of the nave will dialogue with the collections of casts, remnants of the former museum of French monuments.

This exhibition is produced by the Festival d'Automne, in collaboration with the Beaux-Arts de Paris. With the support of the Gulbenkian Foundation - Delegation in France. With the support of the Marian Goodman gallery (Paris) and the support of the Air de Paris gallery (Paris).


Born in 1972 in Lisbon, Leonor Antunes lives and works in Berlin. She understands her work as a crossbreeding between vernacular processes and the cultural heritage of modernism. Her work often refers, through a subtle detour, a divergence, a shift, to the current status of this heritage and avant-garde, to its specific geometric forms, patterns and structures designed by architects and designers of the early 20th century.

His sculptures are designed and installed in response to a context in which architecture and history, but also the physical experience of the place, intervene. Her work is informed by her research into architectural and design figures such as architects Eileen Gray (1878-1976), Egle Trincanato (1910-1998) and Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978), designers Anni Albers (1899-1994) and Clara Porset (1895-1981) or artists Lygia Clark and Mary Martin (1907-1969). Leonor Antunes transposes the forms, motifs and dimensions characteristic of their work into materials and textures such as rope, wood, cork, leather or brass, employing a sculptural vocabulary inspired by artisanal techniques and skills.

She has had solo exhibitions at MUDAM - Musée d'Art Contemporain du Luxembourg (2020), MASP - Museu de Arte de São Paulo (2019), Museo Tamayo in Mexico City (2018), Whitechapel Gallery in London (2017), Tensta Konsthall in Stockholm (2017), CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux (2016), New Museum in New York (2015) and Kunsthalle Basel (2013). In 2019, she will represent Portugal at the 58th Venice Biennale. She participated in the 12th Gwangju Biennale (2018), the 57th Venice Biennale (2017) and the 8th Berlin Biennale (2014). She was awarded the Zurich Art Prize in 2019. Her works are held in public collections such as the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Museum of Modern Art in Paris, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, the Serralves Foundation in Porto.

Around the exhibition

Thursday, October 14 at 5:00 pm - interview with Leonor Antunes conducted by Alain Berland, head of cultural programming, and Thierry Leviez, head of exhibitions at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

The second part of the exhibition can be visited from September 18 to November 27, 2021
Villa Bloc / Meudon 12 rue du Bel-Air, 92190 Meudon
Free admission upon reservation



According to the regulation in force since July 21st, you will be asked to show a health pass or a proof of negative RT-PCR or antigenic test less than 72 hours old at the time of the control. Wearing a mask is mandatory.

© Bruno Lopes




From thursday 23 september 2021 to saturday 25 september 2021

September 23 from 6 to 8 p.m. and September 24 and 25 from 2 to 5 p.m.

Atelier de Dessin

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

Exhibition of the four candidates and the winner of the 2021 Contemporary Drawing Prize, awarded by the association Le Cabinet des amateurs de dessin des Beaux-Arts de Paris. The winning artist will receive €4,500 and one or more of his or her works will be acquired by the Cabinet Bonna to enrich its collections.


Thursday, September 23 from 6 to 8 pm

Friday, September 24 from 2 to 5 pm

Saturday September 25 from 2pm to 5pm


List of nominees 2021

Cassius Beau Baron, 4th year student James Rielly workshop

Tiziano Foucault-Gini, 4th year student Julien Sirjacq workshop

Daniel Galicia, 4th year student James Rielly and Emmanuelle Huynh workshops

Ludovic Lalliat, 5th year student Joann Sfar workshop

Anna Oarda, 4th year student Stéphane Calais workshop


Drawing workshop - 14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6e



drawings Manon Gignoux, winner of the contemporary drawing prize 2020 
According to the regulation in force since July 21, you will be asked for a health pass or a proof of negative RT-PCR or antigenic test less than 72 hours old at the time of the control. Wearing a mask is mandatory.


From Saturday 18 September 2021 to Sunday 19 September 2021

10:30am - 6:00pm

Beaux-Arts de Paris

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


The Beaux-Arts de Paris open their doors to you! During the European Heritage Days, come and discover our listed buildings and the treasures they contain. Whether you take a guided or self-guided tour, this is an opportunity to explore the richness of over 300 years of history and architectural innovations, where works by great masters and creations by up-and-coming artists are on display.


From thursday 9 september 2021 to sunday 12 september 2021

De 12h00 à 19h00 - Gratuit

Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

The exhibition presents the 10 winners of the 2020 prizes and scholarships awarded by the Association des Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris

Randa MADDAH - agnès b. Prize
Théo AUDOIRE - Thaddaeus Ropac Prize
Raphaël MAMAN - Prize of the Cabinet Weil, Gotshal & Manges
Olga SABKO - Khalil de Chazournes Prize - "Favorite" prize chosen by the patron
Dhewadi HADJAB - Bertrand de Demandolx-Dedons Portrait Prize
Léa de CACQUERAY - Prize of the Friends of Fine Arts of Paris
Clément BOUISSOU - Friends' grant
Jean-Charles BUREAU - Friends' Bursary
Zoé BERNARDI - François Dujarric de la Rivière scholarship
David MBUYI - François Dujarric de la Rivière Grant
An exhibition coordinated by the "Artists & Exhibition Professions" section
Curator of the exhibition : Libo Wei
Scenographic design with the participation of Hélène Janicot and Céleste Philippot, students in the program, with the help of Kacper Calka, Mélina Fuentès and Robin Baudet, students at the ENS Architecture Paris-Malaquais.
Coordinator of the program: Julien Fiant Levavasseur
The exhibition is part of the VIP course of Art Paris.
Founded and chaired by agnès b., the association Les Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris, aims to help the School in the realization of their missions by encouraging young artists and facilitating their insertion into professional life. Every year, it helps and accompanies students during their studies and up to five years after their graduation, by awarding prizes, grants and production aids, each worth €5,000:
Six prizes to students of the Beaux-Arts de Paris chosen by a jury of personalities from the world of arts and culture.
The prizes are reserved for 3rd and 5th year students, with the exception of the Portrait Prize, which is open to all students of the Beaux-Arts de Paris.
Composition of the 2020 jury for the prizes: agnès b., Bertrand de Demandolx Dedons, Emmanuelle Henry and Frédéric Cazals, Nathalie Ergino, Gregory Lang, Jérôme Poggi, Nathalie Prouvost, Thaddaeus Ropac and Morgane Tschiember.
Two grants to two young artists who have graduated within the last five years.
Members 2020 of the selection committee: Natascha Jakobsen, Thierry Leviez, Marine Delnevo for agnès b., Emilie Benoît and Elvire Bonduelle for the Cercle Chromatique, Hafida Jemni Di Folco, Catherine Hellier du Verneuil, members of the board of the Friends of the Fine Arts.
Two grants to two first-year students who have passed through the Via Ferrata preparatory class, thanks to the François Dujarric de la Rivière legacy 
Jury 2020 : Laure Dujarric-Mazloum, Jean-Baptiste de Beauvais, Nina Rodrigues-Ely, Fabienne Grolière, Maria-Magdalena Chansel, Luc Chopplet, Olivier Di Pizio, Laurent Lacotte.

Also to be found on L’Atlas des Beaux-Arts de Paris
More information on the Amis des Beaux-Arts or become a member of the association 



According to the regulation in force since July 21, you will be asked for a health pass or a proof of negative RT-PCR or antigenic test less than 72 hours old at the time of the control. Wearing a mask is mandatory.

From Friday 16 July 2021 to Saturday 17 July 2021

1:00pm - 7:00pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, Paris 6e

The Inner Show - Big Dumb Object

The Inner Show, a proposal by Big Dumb Object that will take place Friday and Saturday, July 16 and 17 from 1 to 7 pm.

As part of the CRÛ exhibition at the Théâtre des Expostions Act 3


On November 18, 2020, a shimmering metal monolith several meters high is discovered in Utah, USA. On November 27, a triangular prism of the same type appears in the north of Romania, before disappearing four days later. These appearances continued on December 2 in California and on December 6 in the Netherlands and the southern United Kingdom.


Saturday 3 July 2021

7:00pm - 11:59pm

Beaux-Arts de Paris

13 quai Malaquais, Paris 6e


On the occasion of the Nuit Européenne des Musées 2021, come and discover the exhibitions Sammy Baloji, K(C)ongo, Fragments of interlaced dialogues and Le Théâtre des expositions Acte 3 with free entrance.


The program is online!
Discover the participating museums without delay and make your selection among the activities listed on the map. Already more than 700 activities listed, the map will be regularly updated until the beginning of the event, Saturday July 3.


From friday 18 june 2021 to saturday 10 july 2021

Du mar. au sam. 13h-18h

POUSH Manifesto

6 Boulevard du Général Leclerc, 92110 Clichy

How to continue to create? How not to be crushed by the way things are going? How to stay in motion? The stakes are high, more than ever.

At the initiative of Beaux-Arts de Paris, Felicità Goodbye Horses brings together the thirty or so congratulated artists from the Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2019 and the École nationale supérieure d'art de Bourges in 2019 and 2020.

Since October 2020, the group has been participating in a program of encounters aimed at questioning the modalities of production and circulation of art, and at reflecting collectively on the issues of our contemporary world.

Organized for the first time outside the walls, the exhibition Felicità Goodbye Horses is the result of a collective work. The works have been imagined to occupy a floor of 800m2 of POUSH Manifesto.

A website and a publication accompany the exhibition.
Curated by Mélanie Bouteloup.


Borrowing its title from the bewitching melody of Q. Lazzarus' haunting melody, repeated so many times and yet remaining so singular, Felicità Goodbye Horses seeks to make us apprehend the world beyond its material condition. It proposes to experience all the vitality of our intense proximity, in its most ardent nuances and contradictions, in a world in perpetual contagion. Life is always connected to the life of another. What if we stopped the big speeches and simply reconnected to each other? What if we really looked into each other's eyes? What if we talked about our doubts, fragilities and difficulties?

By intensifying our connections in a sprawling way, we become more and more elusive. Neither live nor die, but metamorphose. Like an octopus, feel the living with its thousands of suction cups, one by one, glue, unglue and glue again. To seek to intensify our coexistence, taking into account our most varied forms of life and sensibilities. We are all vulnerable. Felicità Goodbye Horses aspires to transcend this violence that suffocates us and try to develop other ways of getting in touch, talking to each other, exchanging, being together and coexisting



Among the 109 students who graduated, 16 received congratulations from the jury chaired by Mélanie Bouteloup and composed of Elise Atangana, Alain Berland, Ingrid Luquet-Gad, Franck Scurti and Alain Séchas.


Léo Chalié, Émile Copello, Gwendal Coulon, Pierre Delmas, Stéphane Gilles-Pick, Matthieu Hemmer, Cham Lavant, Garie Mirhon, Mathis Perron, Hatice Pinarbasi, Benoît Ponty, Sacha Rey, Caisa Sandgren, Anaïs Tohé-Commaret, Vincent Volkart and Yi Yang.


Among the 17 students who graduated in 2019, 7 were congratulated by the jury chaired by Séverine Hubard, visual artist, and composed of Sylvie Lopez-Jacob, president of the thesis defense jury, doctor of philosophy and teacher, Vincent Carlier, visual artist and teacher, Gregory Buchert, visual artist, and Nicolas Hérubel, teacher at Ensa Bourges.

Among the 16 students who graduated in 2020, 6 were congratulated by the jury presided by Muriel Pic, author, and composed of Éric Foucault, artistic director, Sammy Engramer, visual artist, Sara Ouhaddou, visual artist, and Éric Aupol, teacher at Ensa Bourges.


Germain Bruyas, Solène Charton, Charlotte Chicot, Tifaine Coignoux, Justine Gagner, Lucile Lacape, Maeline Li, Sihui Liu, Étienne Meignant, Nina M.W. Queissner, Thomas Thuaux, Élise Voët, Huo Yunong


Conceived as a sort of post-graduation program (October 2020 - May 2021), the meetings were intended to accompany the thirty or so congratulated artists who graduated from Beaux-Arts de Paris and Ensa Bourges at a time when the Covid pandemic was sweeping the world. It gave rise to a one-week residency in
Lizières (Epaux-Bézu) in February 2021 under the artistic direction of Ramuntcho Matta and workshops at POUSH (Clichy) between April and May with the artists Franck Leibovici, Neil Beloufa and Emmanuelle Lainé. The students of the master Sciences et techniques de l'exposition (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), directed by Christophe Viart, were invited to participate in the writing of texts around the artists of Felicità Goodbye Horses.


Designed by Maxime Gambus, the Felicità Goodbye Horses website reports on the program of meetings via an online journal. The contributions that appear on it mix works, winks and other shares (playlist, life forms) resulting from almost daily conversations with the thirty or so artists participating in the program. The site is accessible from the Atlas of Beaux-Arts de Paris.



The exhibition is accompanied by a catalog in French.
Preface by Jean de Loisy, Jeanne Gailhoustet and POUSH Manifesto.
Interview between Mélanie Bouteloup and DSM4xzxzxzw.
A first part is dedicated to a diary reporting on the concerns, work processes and references of the artists of Felicità Goodbye Horses. A second part presents interviews conducted with a team of guest critics and curators (Charlotte Cosson, Anaïd Demir, Camille Paulhan, Anne-Laure Peressin, Elisa Rigoulet and Ann-Lou Vicente).

Graphic design by Agnès Dahan Studio.
About 200 pages
Price: 15€.
(available in the exhibition)


Felicità Goodbye Horses
June 18th - July 10th 2021

POUSH Manifesto 6 Boulevard du Général Leclerc, 92110 Clichy
From tuesday to saturday 1pm-6pm
Free entrance on registration






From Friday 28 May 2021 to Saturday 29 May 2021

2:30pm - 4:30pm

Beaux-Arts de Paris

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


As part of the Théâtre des Expositions Act 2

Since 2016, Lénio Kaklea has been developing Encyclopédie pratique, a multidisciplinary project that consists of the creation of a non-exhaustive corpus of daily, intimate, visible or invisible practices of the European territory.

From this corpus, the choreographer proposed to the students of the Emmanuelle Huynh workshop to question the multiple practices that make up their own artistic research (introspection, discussion, strolling, sport, painting, assembly of objects etc.).

From sunday 13 may 2018 to sunday 20 may 2018

Open every day from 11am to 7pm

Beaux-Arts de Paris

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

The 68th edition of Jeune Création will take place in the Cour Vitrée of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, the birthplace of the "Atelier Populaire" in May 1968.

This rapprochement between Jeune Création and the Beaux-Arts de Paris is an opportunity to echo both the history of the association, which accompanied this period of reflection and political commitment of artists, and the exhibition Images en lutte - La culture visuelle de l'extrême gauche en France (1968-1974) which analyzes 50 years later, this moment in history and art history.

From May 13 to 20, 2018, the 68th edition of Jeune Création will present a subjective landscape of the international emerging art scene. The selection made from nearly 1,800 applications, will present 38 artists from 14 different nationalities.

A special feature of Jeune Création is that the selection committee is composed mostly of artists from previous editions. New in 2018, the invitation made to an external personality to join the commission, but also its largely international composition.

This year, the Bunker Palace agency will be in charge of the exhibition's scenography and the visual identity will be designed by Marion Kueny, in collaboration with the edition's organizing committee.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a rich program of events, focusing on performance, video and photography with 3 evening events until 10pm: Saturday 12, Wednesday 16 and Saturday 19 May 2018.






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