

Composite Materials

Jérémy Berton graduated from Beaux-Arts in Paris in 2010. His sculptural work questions reality and its representations. The everyday forms that he seizes, transposed and synthesized using various materials, take on a poetic and offbeat dimension. Tinted with humor, his works – a subtle blend of compositions, balances, plays of scale and illusions – succeed in compelling attention and reversing perspectives.

Among his recent exhibitions: POTCB (Orléans, 2017), la Vigie (Nîmes, 2017), La Vallée (Brussels, 2017), 67th Salon Jeune Création (2017), Camille Lambert art center (Juvisy, 2013) and the Quincy Abbey (Tanlay, 2011). He is co-founder of the New Folder association and the Atelier Entre-Deux in Pantin.


Photo credit: © Hugo Aymar