The catalog of the exhibition On Fire - Glossary for an exhibition is a manual for the preparation of an exhibition.
The text of the catalog written in a collective way describes the context and the stakes of the exhibition, followed by a glossary gathering all the terms specific to the exhibition profession.
The result of a collective reflection carried out during the 2022-2023 school year as part of the "Artists & Exhibition Professions" program, which aims to develop other ways of making art, exhibitions, institutions and museums, the catalog Sur le feu considers this triple
state of solid, liquid and aerial simultaneity as a strategic force to modify established norms.

The glossary is organized by entries according to notions or subjects evoked or personalities met during the work sessions of the "Artists & Exhibition Professions" network, but also entries concerning actions and events that will be present in the exhibition. It gives an account of the reflections, of the way the project was conceived, of its elaboration process, of the speakers, of the ideas debated, shared, but also of anecdotes, of moments of life lived along the way. The idea is not to list criteria, but rather to give impetus to a few impulses, a bit like different throws of the dice on the world.

Coming from artists, curators, philosophers, authors of various geographical horizons, the contributions take various forms such as quotations, interviews, text extracts, poems or even visuals.

The central booklet gathers the history of the elaboration of the exhibition, the portraits of the actors, an evocative set of the exhibited works, both from the collection of the Beaux-Arts de Paris and from contemporary proposals.

Authors: Antariksa, Andréanne Béguin and Chang Qu, with the students of the "Artists & Exhibition Professions" program.
160 pages
Price 30 €.
ISBN 9782840568681