Head of studio at the Beaux-Arts de Paris since 2015, Nathalie Talec is a sculptor, painter, video artist, photographer and musician. A performance artist, she works on the question of the extreme.

Fascinated since childhood by the polar expeditions of explorers, nourished by Paul-Emile Victor's journeys and writers' accounts of snow and cold, she draws inspiration from them in her work.

This book brings together her texts and interviews, as well as a lengthy introduction by art critic Jean-Yves Jouannais, who also teaches at the École.

Numerous photographs of the artist as well as drawings, paintings and sculptures illustrate the book, making it a retrospective monograph of Nathalie Talec's work.


Collection: Écrits d'artistes
224 pages
Format: 20.5 × 14 cm
Published September 2023
Price €25
ISBN 9782840568346