Born in 1975 in Paris, Eva Jospin studied at the Beaux-Arts de Paris from which she graduated in 2002. She is a resident at the Villa Médicis in 2016-2017. Eva Jospin expresses herself mainly through sculpture and drawing. She talks about nature, ecology, relationship to time and art history. In 2008, she took the forest as her subject and set up the device of what she calls her mental ballad by drawing and then sculpting forests, cardboard undergrowth.


In 2015, she took over the square courtyard of the Louvre with her Panorama, a gigantic landscape of an imaginary forest hidden by a screen of mirrors reflecting the museum's façade. Thereafter, she declined her universes by constructing architectures, caves, reliefs, follies, rock gardens and gardens. She shows landscape drawings in ink and pencil.


Study notebook n° 54
EAN Code: 9782840568421
Price: 20 € (€)
Format: 200 x 225 mm
96 pages