2022 Winners of Les Amis des Beaux-Arts Scholarships

  • Clédia Fourniau - Silver Linings Arts scholaship (2022)
  • Manon Gignoux, Friends of the Beaux-Arts de Paris scholarship (2022)
  • Gabriel Moraes Aquino, F.P. JOURNE scholarship (2022)
  • Mathis Perron, Friends of the Fine Arts of Paris scholarship (2022)

[...] Clédia Fourniau's works open up a contrasting vision between the construction of reality and our relationship to it. They are a mise en abyme of the image that reflects itself - that thinks itself - and that reflects the image that questions it - the observer. [The majority of his varnished paintings are on a human scale, which has the effect of encompassing the living body in the painted body. 
[...] More than the skeleton of the frame, of the object's skeleton, [the] material that spills over reveals the subcutaneous paint, the epidermis of the work that exposes itself to reveal its arteries and its vascular system. In other words, its vitality. [...]
Anne-Laure Peressin, art critic



A graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2019, Manon Gignoux develops her practice through drawing as a trace danced around her body, diverted clothing that becomes volume or shadow revealed on paper, images or disruptive elements, video and performances. Her research explores the persistence of bodies in their absence. Her relationship to time and movement, to the inert as well as to the living, opens up new territories through the unexpected encounter between the spectral presence of clothing and the life-giving vegetation.
If it all began with a pile of clothes and found objects, in 2019 she produced a series of drawings entitled Corps, ombres, légumes (which won her the Prix du dessin contemporain des Beaux-Arts), followed by large-scale frescoes on the theme of plants at the Ministère de la Culture. This encounter with the living disrupts the aura of black clothing and marks the advent of colour in her work.
Danced gesture, drawn gesture, plastic gesture, all his research echoes this poetic statement: "I am in what I draw, I bear witness to an upheaval". 
His work can be found in the Neuflize OBC, Musée Galliera and Beaux-Arts de Paris collections.



Born in 1994 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Gabriel Moraes Aquino lives and works in Paris. He graduated from the Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2020. After graduating, he joined several residencies including the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, the Fiminco Foundation in Romainville and now Artagon Pantin.

Gabriel seeks the intersections between intimate exchanges and the forces of aggregation through the impermanence of temporary spaces. His projects are pretexts for generating encounter situations that raise existential questions related to coexistence, dualities between the familiar and the strange, and identity empowerment. To reveal possible variations of the same context, Gabriel often presents his work in the form of performative and interactive actions and installations, inviting the audience to mingle with the different media, objects and images. In 2022, he participated in the exhibition "100% EXPO" at La Villette, the cultural intervention "Battle Piece" in collaboration with Nicolas Faubert at the Fiminco Foundation and "Garage Band" by Hatch, among others. For 2022-2023, he will work with the association Orange Rouge and the Ateliers Medicis to develop collaborative projects with young college students, he will present his winning project of the Fonds régional pour les talents émergents (FoRTE) and he will participate in the project "Texture" in collaboration with Nicolas Faubert and the Institut des Jeunes Aveugles, which will be presented at the Bourse de Commerce - Collection Pinault.



Mathis Perron is a French artist who graduated from the Beaux Arts de Paris in 2019.
Drawing, editing, video, performance and sculpture hybridise and organise themselves in the chaos of the spaces he invests.
The imagination that drives him is impregnated with the agricultural environment of the Charente-Maritime, where he grew up and where his garden/workshop is now located.
His work explores this territory shaped by monoculture and tells its parallel stories. He brings out its ghosts, its fantasies and shows the invisible strings that bind the protagonists of this immense Theatre.
Since 2015, he has been cultivating, picking, drying and infusing mixtures of aromatic and medicinal plants. By displacing the gestures of herbalism in his artistic activity, Mathis Perron seeks to get off the beaten track to invent new artistic models.
Based on a text by Camille Paulhan