From wednesday 23 march 2022 to saturday 30 april 2022

Wednesday to Sunday 1pm - 7pm, Wednesday night until 9pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris

Sharing a Passion for Drawing unveils an exceptional group of 90 drawings, which entered the School's collections thanks to the generosity of the association "Le Cabinet des amateurs de dessins des Beaux-Arts de Paris". The exhibition is organized on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the association, which has acquired more than 200 masterpieces since 2006 and also on the occasion of the drawing week. The exhibition is organized by school, Italian, Nordic and French, through the centuries. Drawings by Eugène Delacroix, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, Jean-Baptiste Greuze, Gerrit Van Honthorst, Giuseppe Penone and Simone Peterzano will be presented. The exhibition closes with a selection devoted to the winners of the Contemporary Drawing Prize, including Marcella Barceló, Tiziano Foucault-Gini and Manon Gignoux.


The Beaux-Arts de Paris, after the Louvre, has the most beautiful collection of drawings in France. This richness, closely linked to its history, is both a part of its teaching and its influence. Today, the collection continues to be enriched by a policy of acquisitions designed for educational purposes, as well as by donations from professors, young artists, and the association "Le Cabinet des amateurs de dessins des Beaux-Arts de Paris".


The association

Since 2005, when it was founded, the association "Le Cabinet des amateurs de dessins des Beaux-Arts de Paris" has actively participated in enriching the graphic collections of the Beaux-Arts de Paris. In more than fifteen years, it has been able to complete the collection by acquiring major works by artists who were previously absent from the institution. Faced with an existing market and modest means, the association, made up of collectors but also of dealers, has been able to choose drawings of great quality, tinged with a certain originality, encouraging students to come and discover them on the occasion of exhibitions organized in the Cabinet Jean Bonna. She has not hesitated to contribute to an acquisition of the Fonds du Patrimoine du Ministère de la Culture, as in the case of the drawing by Gerrit Van Honthorst presented in this release. Its eclectic tastes touch all schools but also all centuries, without forgetting contemporary drawing. In 2013, the association created a contemporary drawing prize for a young artist from the Beaux-Arts de Paris, whose work is donated to enrich the school's collection. Sensitive to the transmission and knowledge of the plastic arts among young people, it has set up for more than a dozen years a pedagogical project with schoolchildren from the academies of Créteil and Versailles, allowing their pupils to discover the beauties of an Italian, French or Nordic sheet, with its techniques and its particularities. The association le Cabinet des amateurs de dessins, chaired by Daniel Thierry since 2015, wished to unveil this year a part of these acquisitions during an exhibition that will be held from March 22 to April 24 at the Palais des Beaux-arts.


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2, 5 or 10 €, the choice is yours!

The ticket office in charge invites each visitor coming to discover an exhibition at the Beaux-Arts de Paris to choose his or her entrance ticket from among 3 proposed rates: 2 €, 5 € or 10 €. Contribute according to your means, your passion and your desire for commitment!

Free of charge (on presentation of a valid receipt):

• under 18 years old

• students and teachers of the National Higher Schools of Art and Architecture of the Ministère de la Culture

• students from member institutions of the University of Paris-Sciences-et- Lettres (PSL)

• students of the École du Louvre

• holders of the Ministère de la Culture card

• Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris

• card holder : Maison des Artistes, ICOM, ICOMOS, Association française des commissaires d’exposition (CEA)

• journalists

• jobseekers, recipients of minimum social benefits

• civilian disabled and war-disabled (with an attendant)