From friday 12 october 2018 to saturday 5 january 2019

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006

In parallel with the exhibition Georges Focus (1644-1708), La folie d'un peintre sous Louis XIV, the exhibition Robert Walser - Grosse kleine Welt Grand petit monde presents a choice of around fifty “microgrammes” by writer Robert Walser for the first time in France.

Robert Walser composed prose texts or poems in pencil in tiny writing on fragments of paper of various origins (telegrams, calendar pages, letters from publishers). These “microgrammes” were not deciphered and transcribed until long after his death.

An exhibition designed by Marie José Burki and Richard Venlet.

In partnership with the Robert Walser-Zentrum in Bern and the Swiss National Library, part of the SACRe/ARP doctoral level studies and with the support of Swiss Cultural Foundation, Pro Helvetia. 

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