From thursday 30 june 2022 to saturday 2 july 2022

Thursday to Saturday 1pm - 7pm

Atelier de dessin

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

Exhibition of the four candidates and the winner of the 2022 Contemporary Drawing Prize, awarded by the association Le Cabinet des amateurs de dessin des Beaux-Arts de Paris. The winning artist receives €4,500 and one or more of his or her works are acquired by the Cabinet Bonna to enrich its collections.

List of nominees 2022 :

Cassius Baron

Alexis Gavriloff

Elina Huneman

Louise Janet

Léa Le Floc'h


2022 Prize Selection Committee: Sylvie Prouté, Annie Prouté, Emmanuel du Douët de Graville, Daniel Guerlain, Nicolas Joly, Laurie Marty de Cambiaire, Kathy Alliou and Emmanuelle Brugerolles.

President of the jury: Stanislas d'Alburquerque

Members of the 2022 jury: Matthieu de Boisséson, Florence Guerlain, Cecilia Hottinguer and Daniel Thierry.


Curators of the exhibition :

Emmanuelle Brugerolles and Enzo Meglio


Free admission to the exhibition

From 30 June to 2 July 2022

1pm - 7pm

Drawing workshop

14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6


Drawing : Colère Graphite on paper, 50x60cm, 2021 - Tiziano Foucault-Gini