From saturday 3 june 2023 to sunday 27 august 2023

Wednesday to Sunday from 12pm to 6pm


46 Rue de la Ferté Gaucher, 77169 Boissy-le-Châtel

Students in the Fresco and Situated Art programme at the Beaux-arts de Paris: Yoann Aka, Mathias Bensimon, Pauline Conforti, Flora Coupin, Paul Curti, Luc Pommet, Hervé de Saint Blancard, Princesse Diakumpuna, Amalia Khalifa, Neeve Moule Drige, Viktoria Oreshko, Nassim Sarni.

GALLERIA CONTINUA / Les Moulins is pleased to present the exhibition MICRO / MACRO in its educational space ART & FUTUR.

This exhibition is the result of a partnership between GALLERIA CONTINUA and the Filière Fresque & Art en Situation at the Beaux-arts de Paris.

Eleven students from the first year of the programme, accompanied by their coordinator Virginie Pringuet and guest artist Benoît-Marie Moriceau, present their research. This project is part of the ContinuActions programme, a series of inclusive experiences offered by GALLERIA CONTINUA in which mediation is adapted to the audience.

ART & FUTUR Ex-Ex: Expo Experience began in 2021. The project aims to provide a research ground for the development of cultural mediation, through a range of activities aimed at young audiences. In the dedicated ART & FUTUR space, the works are placed at children's level. The experimental exhibitions are adapted to their needs and invite them to play to broaden their perception of the world. 

After welcoming international artists such as Nedko Solokav in 2021 and Shilpa Gupta in 2022, this summer GALLERIA CONTINUA will welcome students from the Filière Fresque & Art en Situation.

Over the course of the year, under the guidance of Benoît-Marie Moriceau, they have carried out a series of 'micro-projects' (sketches, models, studies, plans, maps, prototypes, etc.) with a view to creating a 'macro-project' - a work of art created for a specific situation or location, on the scale of an architecture, a site or a territory. Some of these 'macro projects' will be realised, while others will remain purely fictitious.

In MICRO / MACRO, the students present their ideas, their research and their aspirations for the future. This approach makes it possible to appeal to a wide audience, emphasising the back-and-forth between the imaginary and the real; between the explorations of the world of childhood and the know-how acquired by adults. The idea is to show that a small project can become a large one, from a drawing on a table to a city-wide artistic intervention.

With MICRO / MACRO, they were also able to reflect on the issues surrounding the accessibility of their art. They have explored the possibilities of transmitting their art to young audiences, making it active and interactive by thinking about it through the prism of mediation.

Practical info

From Saturday 3 June to Sunday 27 August 2023

46 Rue de la Ferté Gaucher, 77169 Boissy-le-Châtel