From thursday 20 april 2023 to saturday 10 june 2023

Du mar. au sam. 11h-19h – Nocturne le jeudi jusqu'à 21h

Fondation Pernod Ricard

1, cours Paul Ricard 75008 Paris

Juliette Barthe
& Lisa Lecuivre

In association with the École des Beaux-arts de Paris and the "exhibition professions" course, from October to July 2023, an artist is invited to occupy this gallery space for two months. Each inauguration is an opportunity for a privileged exchange between the young artist and the public. Each artist will receive professional and critical support.
With this initiative, the Pernod Ricard Foundation strengthens its role in the young artistic scene in France.

Juliette Barthe is in her third year at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris in Stéphane Calais' studio. She is the winner of the Prix 2022 of the Crous gallery.

"Juliette Barthe's painting is a return to the sources, a resurgence of pictorial abstraction in its most primitive nature, and in the pure expression of Kandinsky's "inner necessity". It is an outpouring from the depths of the artist's soul that meets the canvas and explodes on contact..." Andréanne Béguin, November 2022 (extract)

Practical information

Located in the heart of the café-library of the new Pernod Ricard Foundation, l'Avancée is a hanging space dedicated to emerging artists, a way of extending the exhibition space into the living space


Exhibition visible until June 10th

Pernod Ricard Foundation
1, cours Paul Ricard
75008 Paris

Free admission 


Image: Juliette Barthe, 2023, acrylic on canvas (detail), 59x54 cm. Photo © Juliette Barthe