From tuesday 10 may 2022 to sunday 15 may 2022

from 1pm to 7pm

La Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

The exhibition Habiter le Paysage / Prix Dior de la Colle Noire, 2nd edition, will present in the Chapel from May 10th to 15th from 1pm to 7pm the 8 projects pre-selected for this prize.


The jury will meet on May 9 to select 3 nominated projects. The winning artist will be chosen at the end of June on presentation of a detailed sketch, and will receive €10,000 in royalties and up to €50,000 for the production of his or her work, which will be installed in the fall of 2023 in a permanent manner at the Château de la Colle Noire near Grasse