Monday 29 November 2021

7:30pm - 8:30pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


To close the 5th edition of the festival "A Weekend in the East" dedicated to Sofia, a look at Bulgaria today and its capital, its place within Europe, its concerns, its hopes. With the writer Kapka Kassabova (The Echo of the Lake, translated from English by Morgane Saysana, Marchialy, 2021) and the political scientists and essayists Ivan Krastev and Jacques Rupnik.


A meeting moderated by Thibaut Sardier, journalist in the "ideas" department of Libération.


Photo credits: rights reserved; Marcin Kalinski PAP; Libor Stejskal, Jan Maly ml
According to the regulation in force since July 21, you will be asked for a health pass or a proof of negative RT-PCR or antigenic test less than 72 hours old at the time of the control. Wearing a mask is mandatory.