Monday 6 December 2021

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre du mûrier

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Be unreadable


Roxanne Maillet questions the text, its formatting and its reading as a collective practice as well as in a "feminist dyke" perspective. Her work manifests itself in the form of reading groups, books, typographies, T-shirts...


Fatima Daas was born in 1995 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Her parents came from Algeria and settled in Clichy-sous-Bois. She grew up in the small town of Seine-Saint-Denis, surrounded by a large family. In high school, she rebelled, demanded the right to express her ideas and wrote her first texts. She defines herself as an intersectional feminist. La Petite Dernière is her first novel.


With the support of Thom Browne


Free admission
Available D+7 on Youtube and as a podcast on the App


Photos credits: Olivier Roller / droits réservés


According to the regulation in force since July 21, you will be asked to show a health pass or a proof of negative RT-PCR or antigenic test less than 72 hours old at the time of the control. Wearing a mask is mandatory.