Thursday 19 October 2023

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Publisher and director Anaïs Ngbanzo talks to Philo Cohen, artist, archivist, curator and publisher, about Éditions 1989 and her work on composer Julius Eastman. 

For over two years, Anaïs Ngbanzo, like a detective-poet, lived among the archives and notes of composer and pianist Julius Eastman in order to publish a book. In March 2022, she collaborated with British composer Devonté Hynes to perform Eastman's music over two evenings in the auditorium of the Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection. 
The conversation focuses on the traces we leave behind, and how to examine sound, visual and written elements to draw up a portrait of an artist. 

Anaïs Ngbanzo is a publisher and film-maker born in Paris. She grew up strongly inspired by the French New Wave and American underground cinema. She turned first to literature, founding her own publishing house, Éditions 1989, and then to film, to express her singular vision of the world. Through her publishing house, she combines her interests in music and the avant-garde scene.

Philo Cohen est une artiste, archiviste, curatrice et éditrice basée entre Paris et New York. Elle est la directrice et l’éditrice en chef de Speciwomen, une archive digitale et série de publications dédiées à la représentation des artistes femmes et non-binaires dans le monde de l’art. Cohen détient un Bachelors Degree en histoire de l’image et littérature comparée de Sarah Lawrence College.


Amphithéâtre des Loges – 14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6e
Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles


Crédit photo : © Elsa Hammarén et © Ren Picco-Freeman