Saturday 5 June 2021

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Beaux-Arts de Paris

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Radio arbres, as part of Agir pour le Vivant 2021. A France Culture program by Laetitia Dosch, actress, playwright and director.

Live and in public. Saturday, June 5 from 7 to 9 pm in the garden of the Beaux-Arts in Paris.

Become a tree!
Do an experiment! Put yourself in the skin of a tree.

Let's put ourselves in the shoes of trees for the duration of a radio show, which is free to air.

Radio Arbres is a program by trees for trees! Finally, a way to talk to us, humans, as trees, motionless!

The tree in you needs to vent about humans, to make a declaration of love, to talk about what it loves; it has neighborhood or sexual problems, it is worried about the future; it is fed up, or on the contrary it wants to talk about its environment, the world under the ground, or just looking for an attentive and curious ear to fill the void, to exchange solitudes.

RADIO ARBRES will listen to him.

The actress and director Laetitia Dosch has been looking for several years for an artistic form that could speak about the ecological peril, bringing in playfulness, without hiding the gravity of the situation. It is from this reflection that she came up with the idea of Radio Arbres, a radio program, therefore, made by trees for trees, a free antenna, which would allow trees from all over the world to confide in each other, to seek answers to their problems, to share what they love, live, simply by calling the number of the program. Through the testimonies, the goal of the program is to arouse the curiosity of the listeners and to expand our consciousness by putting ourselves in the place of, through the imagination.



Registration to attend the show at the Beaux-Arts de Paris