Thursday 13 January 2022

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Nicolas Bourriaud is a curator and art critic. He directs Radicants, a "curatorial cooperative" that will begin in 2022. He founded and co-directed the Palais de Tokyo from 1999 to 2006, before becoming Gulbenkian Curator for Contemporary Art at the Tate Britain in 2007, and leading the creation of the Pinchuk Art Center in Kiev. In 2010, he was called upon to head the Ministry of Culture's Department of Inspection for Artistic Creation and then directed several cultural institutions until 2021.

As an exhibition curator, he has notably directed the biennials of Moscow (2003), Lyon (2005), Athens (2011), Taipei (2014) and Istanbul (2019), as well as the Tate Triennial (2009). His essays on contemporary art, translated into several languages, include Relational Aesthetics (1998), Post-production (2001), Radicant (2009), The Exform (2015) and Inclusions. Aesthetics of the Capitalocene (2020).


Penser le Présent is realized with the support of Société Générale.



Photo credit: Jean Picon