Friday 15 April 2022

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


An artist without borders.


Myriam Mihindou's work knows no boundaries, literally or figuratively. From high jumping to architecture, via the Bordeaux School of Fine Arts, her training deploys several spaces of expression. She evacuates the question of belonging to a specific culture or artistic medium by playing with porosities and "Relation" as defined by Édouard Glissant. The performance, understood as a practice where the body is both the tool and the screen of a thought, can be considered as the main thread of a cathartic artistic creation. Before that, travel and encounters nourish his work. From Egypt to France, through Morocco, Reunion, Gabon, Uganda or the United States, M. Mihindou is a true exote, who, by moving and experimenting with specific places and contexts, conducts a physical and memorial research. On site, she invests and surveys the languages, energies, histories, landscapes, bodies, and materials that she will then inject into her performances and sculptures. (Text by Julie Crenn, art critic and curator)


Penser le présent is realized with the support of Société Générale.




Photo credit : Ronald Staub