Thursday 18 November 2021

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre d'Honneur

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Chantal Jaquet is a former student of the ENS, agrégée in philosophy and doctor of philosophy. She is a professor of the history of modern philosophy at the University of Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne and director of the Centre for the History of Modern Philosophy at the Sorbonne.

Centered on the expressions of the power to act, her research focuses on the philosophy of the 17th century (Spinoza and Bacon), on the philosophy of the body (the relationship between the body and the spirit, the sense of smell, contemporary olfactory art) and on social philosophy.

She has published 30 books, including Sub specie aeternitatis, étude des concepts de temps durée et éternité chez Spinoza, (Kimé, 1997, Classiques Garnier 2014) ; Le Corps, PUF, 2001 ; L'unité du corps et de l'esprit. Affects, actions passions chez Spinoza, PUF, 2004, 2015; Les expressions de la puissance d'agir chez Spinoza, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2005; Philosophie de l'odorat, PUF, 2010; Bacon et la promotion des savoirs, PUF, 2010; Les liens corps esprit, regards croisés à partir de cas cliniques [The links between body and mind, crossed views from clinical cases], C. Jaquet, P. Neveu, E. W. Pireyre, F. de Sainte-Maréville, P. Scialom, Dunod, 2014; Les Transclasses ou la non reproduction, PUF, 2014; L'art contemporain olfactif, Classiques Garnier, 2015; Spinoza à l'œuvre, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2017, Philosophie du kôdô, l'esthétique japonaise fragrances, des Vrin, 2018, Juste en passant, entretiens avec Jean-Marie Durand, Puf, 2021



Penser le Présent is produced with the support of Société Générale.

Photo credit: Philosophie Magazine
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