Sunday 16 April 2023

12:00pm - 10:00pm

Beaux-Arts de Paris

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Continuous from 12pm to 10 pm
Pavilion exhibition

Presentation of 40 artists from Mondes nouveaux and the Beaux-Arts de Paris workshops, including : Bouwens, Burki, Mesiti, Prévieux and Sirjacq workshops; Assemblée des noues, Wilfrid Almendra, Méris Angioletti, Felicia Atkinson, Théo Audoire, Anne-Charlotte Baudequin & Mathieu Maldès, Berger & Berger, David Bihanic, Jean Bonichon, Frédéric Bonin, Pablo Bras & Violette Vigneron, Mathilde Bretillot & Gala Espel & Paul Couderc, Théo Casciani, Clémentine Chambon, Estelle Coppolani, Caroline Corbasson, Isabelle Cornaro, Dach & Zéphir, Isabelle Daëron, Chloé Despax, Valentin Devos, Studio D.O.T.S, Dorian Etienne, Antoine Fenoglio, Gwladys Gambie, Lili Gayman & Baptiste Viala, Alice Grégoire & Clément Périssé, Hors Studio & Bold Design, Anne Houel, Alexandre Humbert, Collectif Jachères, Ismaël Jude, Katia Kameli, Collectif LandeLab, Mélody Lu, Amélie Lucas- Gary, Emma Lutz, Erwan Mahéo, Garush Melkonyan, Sabine Mirlesse, Elsa Molinard, collectif Mots Voyageurs, NeoConsortium, Clivia Nobili, collectif Pays Tremblés, Pinaffo & Pluvinage, Clément Postec & Pauline Julier, Julien Prévieux, Samy Rio, Clara Rivière, Stéphanie Roland, Carolina E. Santo, Shonen, Clio Simon, Frank Smith, Anna Solal, Fanny Taillandier, Sophia Taillet, Abel Techer, Thomas Teurlai et Alain Damasio, Olivier Vadrot, Virginie Yassef, Ludivine Zambon.
Glassed-in courtyard

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Installations in the Garden

Creations by 4 artists New worlds to discover: Léna Brudieux, Stéphanie Coudert, Alice Hallynck, Studio D.O.T.S.
Chimay Garden

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Creuzet workshop exhibition

Installation telling the story of the students' meeting with creators living in Martinique: Ernest Breleur, David Gumbs, Art incidence (Annabel Gueredrat), Kolectif 13, Jean-Marc Bullet, Maroussia Pourpoint and Audrey Phibel, a work on memory, archiving and sharing.
Creuzet workshop

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Installations around light

In parallel with her project at Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye, designer artist Marine Rouit-Leduc conducted a workshop with students from the École Centrale Paris, in partnership with Flos, to propose creations that integrate light and colour.
Palais des études

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Discover derivative products and books of Beaux-Arts de Paris editions, objects of Mondes nouveaux artists.
Palais des études

Continuous from 12pm to 10 pm
La Caravana Obscura by Lolita Bourdet

The Caravana Obscura is a caravan transformed into a giant camera and equipped with a silver development laboratory by Lolita Bourdet. After introducing the spectators to the mechanisms of photography and the history of their discovery, a mediator invites the public to hold the pose, develop the image in her company and then offer a print. A real journey through time and the history of photographic invention. In parallel to this workshop, Lolita Bourdet will set up her Augmented Reality exhibition, bringing together the portraits born of the artist's encounters in the Caravana Obscura.
Cour d'Honneur

12h - 12h50 - 13h40
Puppet show 13 grammes 89

Puppet show accessible from 4 years old, texts by Elsa Boyer, sets and costumes by Sarah Tritz, design of the castelet by Olivier Vadrot.
Chimay Garden

Participatory workshop with About a Worker

Workshop in the form of a creative factory with a participative production line and a "shop" for clothes and accessories.
Glass courtyard

Mersion by Florent Caron Darras

The Mersion installation by Florent Caron Darras is based on a principle of three-dimensional sound capture using ambisonic technology. In the Marquenterre Park (in the Somme Bay), in the Anjou region and on the Atlantic coast, the artist has recorded sound landscapes. Visitors are immersed in this landscape.
Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

Stéphanie Coudert, clothing designer, performs a sewing performance in situ on a mannequin from her collection, accompanied by classical music.
Chimay Garden

Grégoire Lorieux and the Itinerary

Grégoire Lorieux and l'Itinéraire, a musical creation ensemble, will take over the School's garden. Through this moment shared by the public and the musicians, Grégoire Lorieux seeks to answer the question: "At a time of ecological upheaval, by what power does music awaken a sensitivity to the search for life?
The performance is preceded at 3pm by a participatory workshop open to the public.
Chimay Garden

6:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm
Performance Nothing like the present

The students of the Talec workshop deliver their creations, centred on voices, born from their meeting with the artists Mathilde Bretillot and Jeanne Vicerial.
The students of the Atelier Talec
Mayssa Abdelaziz, Amira Al-Sharif, Zoé Boissin-Peras, Missia Casanova, Helen Cedzidlo, Romane Charlot , Salomé Daheron, François Grange, Doriane Huber, Lucas Largy, Laure Lefebvre, Adèle Morel, Paul Nizan , Claire Orefice, Léonie Porcher, Liz Saba, Rajib Shak, Violette Trévisiol, Yina Zhen
Chapel of the Petits-Augustins

Duo Xamp

The accordionists of XAMP, Fanny Vicens and Jean-Étienne Sotty, propose an innovative sound and stage project. Bringing together eight accordionists, Space aims to impose the instrument as a pioneer of new sound experiences, touching the listener in his emotions and his body. This project is faithful to the idea of octophony, dear to electronic music, and is constructed as a sound choreography, a veritable audible sculpture.
Glassed-in courtyard