Wednesday 12 April 2023

12:00pm - 10:00pm

Beaux-Arts de Paris

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Continuous from 12 noon to 10 pm
Pavilion exhibition

Presentation of 40 artists from Mondes nouveaux and the Beaux-Arts de Paris workshops, including : Bouwens, Burki, Mesiti, Prévieux and Sirjacq workshops; Assemblée des noues, Wilfrid Almendra, Méris Angioletti, Felicia Atkinson, Théo Audoire, Anne-Charlotte Baudequin & Mathieu Maldès, Berger & Berger, David Bihanic, Jean Bonichon, Frédéric Bonin, Pablo Bras & Violette Vigneron, Mathilde Bretillot & Gala Espel & Paul Couderc, Théo Casciani, Clémentine Chambon, Estelle Coppolani, Caroline Corbasson, Isabelle Cornaro, Dach & Zéphir, Isabelle Daëron, Chloé Despax, Valentin Devos, Studio D.O.T.S, Dorian Etienne, Antoine Fenoglio, Gwladys Gambie, Lili Gayman & Baptiste Viala, Alice Grégoire & Clément Périssé, Hors Studio & Bold Design, Anne Houel, Alexandre Humbert, Collectif Jachères, Ismaël Jude, Katia Kameli, Collectif LandeLab, Mélody Lu, Amélie Lucas- Gary, Emma Lutz, Erwan Mahéo, Garush Melkonyan, Sabine Mirlesse, Elsa Molinard, collectif Mots Voyageurs, NeoConsortium, Clivia Nobili, collectif Pays Tremblés, Pinaffo & Pluvinage, Clément Postec & Pauline Julier, Julien Prévieux, Samy Rio, Clara Rivière, Stéphanie Roland, Carolina E. Santo, Shonen, Clio Simon, Frank Smith, Anna Solal, Fanny Taillandier, Sophia Taillet, Abel Techer, Thomas Teurlai et Alain Damasio, Olivier Vadrot, Virginie Yassef, Ludivine Zambon.
Glassed-in courtyard

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Installations in the Garden

Creations by 4 artists New worlds to discover: Léna Brudieux, Stéphanie Coudert, Alice Hallynck, Studio D.O.T.S.
Chimay Garden

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Creuzet workshop exhibition

Installation telling the story of the students' meeting with creators living in Martinique: Ernest Breleur, David Gumbs, Art incidence (Annabel Gueredrat), Kolectif 13, Jean-Marc Bullet, Maroussia Pourpoint and Audrey Phibel, a work on memory, archiving and sharing.
Creuzet workshop

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Installations around light

In parallel with her project at Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye, designer artist Marine Rouit-Leduc conducted a workshop with students from the École Centrale Paris, in partnership with Flos, to propose creations that integrate light and colour.
Palais des études

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Discover derivative products and books of Beaux-Arts de Paris editions, objects of Mondes nouveaux artists.
Palais des études

Conference "The exhibition, questions of architecture

In partnership with L'Entour, an inter-school course on exhibition scenography, the conference retraces a selection of artistic devices designed by Olivier Vadrot for the exhibition space and performance over the last twenty years. Conceived as autonomous and nomadic constructive systems, they are part of a long history of demountable exhibition architecture initiated by Joseph Paxton's Crystal Palace (London, 1851) and continued by Frederick Kiesler, Max Bill and Renzo Piano. The meeting, moderated by Yann Rocher, will continue with a guided tour of the scenographic device in the glass courtyard.
Amphitheatre of Honour

Restitution of collective intelligence workshops

Students from the Beaux-Arts de Paris and ENSA Paris-Malaquais will report on collective intelligence workshops. The Suspended Spaces Collective, Amélie Lucas-Gary, Fannie Sosa, El Khatib, Antoine Fenoglio, Mohammed El Khatib, Valérie Mrejen and Tanguy Wermelinger have been invited to lead these workshops: Art of Living, Memories of Place, Climate Issues, Art and Activism, Taking Care.
Glassed-in courtyard

5pm and 6.30pm
Performance Frédérique Aït-Touati, Emanuele Coccia and the Compagnie Zone Critique

Based on Emanuele Coccia's book Philosophie de la maison, l'espace domestique et le bonheur (Payot & Rivages, 2021), the philosopher and director Frédérique Aït-Touati propose Earthscape, a performance made of narratives and soundscapes, which questions what we think we know about what it means to "inhabit".
To be booked in advance, capacity limited to 50 people.
Cour du Mûrier

Round table "The Writers' Atlas

Round table moderated by Lucie Campos with authors Thierry Froger, Fanny Taillandier, Ismaël Jude and Aliona Gloukhova. Accompanied by a lecture by Céline Curiol.
Glassed-in courtyard

Reading Psychoanalysis of flowers

Reading of the collection Psychanalyse des fleurs by Ismaël Jude by Clotilde Ramondou and Céline Milliat-Baumgartner, in connection with the olfactory installation presented in the Pavilion.
Glassed-in courtyard

Festive banquet

Festive banquet by Laurent Derobert, surrounded by singers and artists from the Beaux-Arts de Paris, echoing his expedition to the Mediterranean to collect the seeds of the plants named by Homer in The Odyssey.
Glassed-in courtyard