Tuesday 11 April 2023

5:00pm - 10:00pm

Beaux-Arts de Paris

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Continuous from 12 noon to 10 pm
Pavilion exhibition

Presentation of 40 artists from Mondes nouveaux and the Beaux-Arts de Paris workshops, including : Bouwens, Burki, Mesiti, Prévieux and Sirjacq workshops; Assemblée des noues, Wilfrid Almendra, Méris Angioletti, Felicia Atkinson, Théo Audoire, Anne-Charlotte Baudequin & Mathieu Maldès, Berger & Berger, David Bihanic, Jean Bonichon, Frédéric Bonin, Pablo Bras & Violette Vigneron, Mathilde Bretillot & Gala Espel & Paul Couderc, Théo Casciani, Clémentine Chambon, Estelle Coppolani, Caroline Corbasson, Isabelle Cornaro, Dach & Zéphir, Isabelle Daëron, Chloé Despax, Valentin Devos, Studio D.O.T.S, Dorian Etienne, Antoine Fenoglio, Gwladys Gambie, Lili Gayman & Baptiste Viala, Alice Grégoire & Clément Périssé, Hors Studio & Bold Design, Anne Houel, Alexandre Humbert, Collectif Jachères, Ismaël Jude, Katia Kameli, Collectif LandeLab, Mélody Lu, Amélie Lucas- Gary, Emma Lutz, Erwan Mahéo, Garush Melkonyan, Sabine Mirlesse, Elsa Molinard, collectif Mots Voyageurs, NeoConsortium, Clivia Nobili, collectif Pays Tremblés, Pinaffo & Pluvinage, Clément Postec & Pauline Julier, Julien Prévieux, Samy Rio, Clara Rivière, Stéphanie Roland, Carolina E. Santo, Shonen, Clio Simon, Frank Smith, Anna Solal, Fanny Taillandier, Sophia Taillet, Abel Techer, Thomas Teurlai et Alain Damasio, Olivier Vadrot, Virginie Yassef, Ludivine Zambon.
Glassed-in courtyard

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Installations in the Garden

Creations by 4 artists New worlds to discover: Léna Brudieux, Stéphanie Coudert, Alice Hallynck, Studio D.O.T.S.
Chimay Garden

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Creuzet workshop exhibition

Installation telling the story of the students' meeting with creators living in Martinique: Ernest Breleur, David Gumbs, Art incidence (Annabel Gueredrat), Kolectif 13, Jean-Marc Bullet, Maroussia Pourpoint and Audrey Phibel, a work on memory, archiving and sharing.
Creuzet workshop

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Installations around light

In parallel with her project at Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye, designer artist Marine Rouit-Leduc conducted a workshop with students from the École Centrale Paris, in partnership with Flos, to propose creations that integrate light and colour.
Palais des études

Continuous from 12pm to 10pm
Discover derivative products and books of Beaux-Arts de Paris editions, objects of Mondes nouveaux artists.
Palais des études

From 5pm
Performance Epileptoid
Atelier Sirjacq, Thomas Teurlai and Alain Damasio

A creation by the students with Thomas Teurlai and Alain Damasio, inspired by the history of the School and more precisely by the Morphology collection built up in the 19th century. The experiments of the neurologist Duchêne de Boulogne and the work of Charcot are among the sources used. A time capsule will be buried in the Chimay garden at the foot of a Ginkgo Biloba tree, to be unearthed in 2045.
Amphitheatre of morphology

From 5 pm onwards
Performed visit by the poet Simone Lagrand

Curious eyes, voracious ears, answers, lavwa dèyè... are invited to accompany Simone Lagrand as she gives voice to the container spaces of the artists' stories. An omniscient narrator, she engages in a "call and response" dialogue with the audience and the artists present.
Departure from the glass courtyard, wandering through the school

Burki workshop performance with Garush Melkonyan

Taking Garush Melkonyan's project as a starting point, Marie José Burki invites her students to carry out a research project based on the Golden Record archives in order to integrate them into the process of creating a work.
Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

Performance and installation Nothing like the present

Hybrid event created by the students of the Talec workshop with the artists Mathilde Bretillot and Jeanne Vicerial, which proposes simultaneous performances and objects around the body - its organs, its breaths and its voices.
The students of the Atelier Talec
Mayssa Abdelaziz, Amira Al-Sharif, Zoé Boissin-Peras, Missia Casanova, Helen Cedzidlo, Romane Charlot , Salomé Daheron, François Grange, Doriane Huber, Lucas Largy, Laure Lefebvre, Adèle Morel, Paul Nizan , Claire Orefice, Léonie Porcher, Liz Saba, Rajib Shak, Violette Trévisiol, Yina Zhen
Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

Moussa Sarr - La Storia

The artist Moussa Sarr interprets La Marseillaise in Corsican song, to the rhythm of Senegalese instruments. Performance followed by a set by DJ Mescudi to close the evening.
Glassed-in courtyard