Monday 4 December 2023

6:30pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Constance Nouvel lives and works in Paris. Since 2010 she has been developing a practice based on the technical elements of photography, questioning the reproduction of tangible reality as a process open to the complexities of representation. She explores the notion of photographic objects, and her reflections unfold in installations that bring space and time into dialogue in a formal language. Questions of format, scale and support are at the heart of her work, in a constant shift between real and suggested space.

A graduate of the Beaux-Arts in Paris, Constance Nouvel has taken part in a number of group exhibitions and held her first solo show at the Centre d'Art de Photographie in Lectoure in 2013. Winner of the Yishu8 Prize, she has exhibited at Yishu8-Maison des Arts in Beijing and received the Maison Ruinart Prize in 2023. She teaches photography at the Ecole Supérieure d'Art de Lorraine - Metz Métropole.

Patrick Tosani lives and works in Pays de Loire and Paris.
While studying architecture in Paris from 1973 to 1979, he began to develop a body of photographic research in 1976, in which questions of space and scale were central.The photographic process, its potential, its limits, and the relationship to reality are constantly questioned through series on objects, the body, clothing, etc.
For over thirty-five years, he has regularly been the subject of exhibitions in France and abroad, notably at the Art Institute of Chicago (1992), the ARC, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (1993), the Museum Folkwang in Essen (1997), the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris (2011), and the Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris (2019).

He has taken part in numerous group exhibitions, including Angles of vision: French Art Today, at the Solomon R.
Guggenheim Museum in New York (1986), Une autre objectivité, at the Centre National des Arts Plastiques in Paris (1988), Mostra Aperto '90, XLIV Venice Biennale (1990), Les peintres de la vie moderne at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris (2006), L'œil de l'expert, at the Musée Nicéphore Niépce in Chalon-sur-Saône (2016), Épreuves de la matière, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris (2023).
Winner of the Kodak Prize for Photographic Criticism in 1983 and the Niépce Prize in 1997, Patrick Tosani was head of studio at the Beaux-Arts de Paris from 2004 to 2019. 

Moderated by Audrey Illouz, curator, art critic and teacher.
Audrey Illouz's curatorial work focuses on the photographic medium, its processual dimension and its diversions. More broadly, she is interested in the reflexive practices of the image. She has also conducted research on Vito Acconci and the Studio Acconci. She directed the Micro Onde art centre (2018-2020) and was associate curator at the Comédie de Caen (2015-2017). She has notably curated the exhibitions La Photographie à l'épreuve de l'abstraction (Micro-Onde, Frac Normandie Rouen, CPIF, 2020-2021), L'image Située (Micro-Onde, 2019) and L'Apparition des Images (Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, 2013).She regularly teaches and lectures at art schools. Since 2006, she has contributed to a number of magazines (art press, Flash Art International, 02, etc.). 

Masterclass organised by Les Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris with the support of the In Situ gallery.

Practical information

Admission subject to registration and availability. 
And live on YouTube and Instagram

Photo credits: Alexandre Guirkinger - all rights reserved