Wednesday 28 February 2024

3:00pm - 4:30pm

Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Marianne Martin likes to help. 

Marianne Martin likes her life to have meaning. 

Marianne Martin loves her name. 

Marianne Martin loves freedom.

Just like all French people...

Come and see a performance that plays with the worst to think about the present, and invites us, not without humour, to question ourselves about freedom, the frameworks we need and those we are victims of, revolutionary history and, more broadly, national identity. 

Marianne Martin will help you through the process of becoming a naturalised French citizen by offering you your first course in cultural appropriation. 

A performance by Jade Maignan 
In collaboration with Aurélien Hamard Padis 
As part of the Value of the copy project - Atelier Guillaume Paris 
Running time: 1h30

Free admission subject to availability