Wednesday 23 February 2022

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


As part of the Exhibition Theater - Season 2, Act 3, come and attend an exceptional evening during your visit to the exhibition.

Come for a real ♥ Speed Dating ♥ meet art, love, and more if you like...


The exhibition Speed Dating is the result of pictorial encounters framed by a protocol imagined between the students of the Nina Childress studio at the Beaux-Arts de Paris and the Beaux-Arts de Dresden.

Conceived especially for the exhibition, the paintings are associated in diptychs of the same format in order to initiate a fertile dialogue between French and German studios. If these connections seem formal at first glance, they are part of an "aesthetic of the encounter", where each meeting ends up revealing, in mirror, unsuspected facets of the paired paintings...


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2, 5 or 10 €, the choice is yours!

The ticket office in charge invites each visitor coming to discover an exhibition at the Beaux-Arts de Paris to choose his or her entrance ticket from among 3 proposed rates: 2 €, 5 € or 10 €. Contribute according to your means, your passion and your desire for commitment!

Free of charge (on presentation of a valid receipt):

• under 18 years old

• students and teachers of the National Higher Schools of Art and Architecture of the Ministère de la Culture

• students from member institutions of the University of Paris-Sciences-et- Lettres (PSL)

• students of the École du Louvre

• holders of the Ministère de la Culture card

• Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris

• card holder : Maison des Artistes, ICOM, ICOMOS, Association française des commissaires d’exposition (CEA)

• journalists

• jobseekers, recipients of minimum social benefits

• civilian disabled and war-disabled (with an attendant)