Tuesday 30 April 2024

11:00am - 4:00pm

Amphithéâtre du mûrier

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Cercle Chromatique has invited the French Association of Exhibition Curators (CEA) to present "POOL#1 Curatorial practices and eco-design", a day of conferences and discussions on ecological curatorial practices.

The event was organised by a team of curators - Madeleine Filippi, Pauline Lisowski, Claire Luna and Bettie Nin, all members of the CEA association - and was prompted by reflections that are currently fuelling the creation of new curatorial practices. There are many artists whose work encourages us to be aware of the need to create differently, in a virtuous cycle that minimises our impact on the planet.

What about curators?

This discussion will provide an opportunity to share resources and experiences, and to cross-fertilise practices, attitudes and thoughts to build collective intelligence.

A document presenting working methods that encourage eco-design, re-use, sharing and transmission will then be available online on the CEA website.

Organisation of the day :

11am-1pm - Conference on "Eco-design applied to the exhibition curator", by Laurence Perillat (co-founder of Les Augures)

2pm-4pm - Guided conversation with curators Madeleine Filippi, Pauline Lisowski, Claire Luna and Bettie Nin

Claire Luna is an art historian, art critic and independent curator. 
She has carried out her research in the United States and in many Latin American countries (Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Cuba), with which she works regularly.
A member of AICA (Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art), she sits on the board of CEA, the Jeunes Critiques d'Art collective and the curators' office at POUSH.She is co-founder of the 'Echo du vivant' research laboratory at CAC La Traverse and a member of RADICANTS (2022), the curators' cooperative founded by Nicolas Bourriaud. She has taught art theory at the University of Paris 8.

Bettie Nin is a multidisciplinary visual artist, poet and curator, a member of the Laboratoire des Arts de la Performance, co-founder of the Laboratoire "L'écho du Vivant", and co-founder and director of the Alfortville contemporary art centre La Traverse.Her artistic practice explores societal, migratory and ecological issues.Her curatorial approach is inspired by the permaculture philosophy, which aims to promote the well-being of all living things and their environment, with an emphasis on the local and the cooperative.

With a Master's degree in Art History and Cultural Engineering from the Sorbonne, Madeleine Filippi has been an independent curator and art critic for public and private cultural institutions since 2011 (Beirut Art Fair, Colombo Art Biennale, Frac Champagne Ardenne, Saison France-Roumanie etc.). 
Her research focuses on the following themes Memory(s) - Language(s), vectors and witnesses of current environmental and societal issues.

Her curatorial approach is an extension of her critical practice, imbued with philosophy and sociology.
She currently contributes to various magazines and exhibition catalogues on emerging art scenes and the art market in France and abroad (Art press, Le Quotidien de l'Art, L'art même etc.).Madeleine Filippi is co-president of CEA and a member of AICA France.She was nominated for the AICA Prize in 2020.

Pauline Lisowski is a garden artist, art critic and curator, and a member of CEA and AICA.
Her work as an art critic and curator focuses on questions of care and the relationship with the land, landscape and territory. Her research focuses on the relationships between disciplines and on the way in which an artistic project can take root in a given area over a long period of time.

She is a regular contributor to the Observatoire de l'Art Contemporain, and writes for the magazine Artension and Impact Art News, published by the association Art of Change 21. 
She is also co-founder of the Lab L'écho du Vivant.

A co-production of CEA and CAC La Traverse, a contemporary art centre in Alfortville.

Founded in 2007, CEA / Association française des commissaires d'exposition is a professional network whose aim is to take all kinds of action likely to promote the activity of exhibition curators in France, Europe and internationally.

CAC La Traverse, Alfortville's contemporary art centre La Traverse is a member of the TRAM network. Inaugurated in 2014, it was municipalised in 2024 and has since become one of the town's cultural facilities. La Traverse is a local social, relational, ethical and collaborative art project conceived by Bettie Nin and Cédric Taling with the support of Luc Carvounas, Mayor of Alfortville.

La Traverse is a place for experimentation and hosting exhibitions by established and emerging artists, performances and concerts, creative residencies, meetings, talks, film screenings, art workshops and other projects. What makes La Traverse special is that it creates a cross-disciplinary approach between the visual arts, the environmental sciences and the humanities (sociology, etc.), as well as dance, literature, philosophy, live performance, the hard sciences and so on.