
Thursday 16 June 2022

6:30pm - 7:30pm

Amphithéâtre d'Honneur

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


We regret to announce that the conference with Laure Prouvost is cancelled this evening.
A new date will be scheduled soon.


Phantasmagoria and visual arts.

This dialogue between the visual artist Laure Prouvost and Alexia Fabre and Alain Berland is an opportunity to explore the artist's fantastical universe, populated by objects endowed with memory, but also to question her, in particular about her fictional grandfather who digs a tunnel to reach Africa from his London living room.


Laure Prouvost (born 1867, Lieumeconu, France) lives and works.

Here, a long list of museums and institutions. A line, interesting things, a coma, a line, a list of residencies and awards. A selection of solo projects including : an elastic arm hold in tight in Copenhagen, a Swallowing and Breathing in Eindhoven, a Smoking Mother in Copenhagen, a Melting Into Another in Lisbon, an Occupied Paradise in Aalst, Deep See Blue Surrounding You in Venice, Toulouse and Lille; a waiting room with objects in Minneapolis, a new museum for grandpa in Milan, a tea room for grandma in Derry, a karaoke room in Brussels, a new octopus ink vodka bar for Gregor in Rotterdam, a travel agency for an uncle in Frankfurt, a hall for love between artists in The Hague and Lucerne. ... Tea bags, wet floors and tentacles.


Penser le Présent is produced with the support of Société Générale.



Photo credit: © Photo by Gene Pittman, courtesy Walker Art Center, Minneapolis_004