From Tuesday 3 May 2022 to Wednesday 4 May 2022

2:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre d'Honneur, Amphithéâtre des Loges et Cour vitrée

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Hybrid spaces.

The Beaux-Arts de Paris will host the Rencontres internationales Paris/Berlin for two days of screenings, meetings and discussions dedicated to contemporary practices of the moving image.


Tuesday, May 3 - Programming

  • 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm / Honorary Amphitheatre / Ecosystem Assembly

Temporary presentation, video works and virtual reality
Matthew Garrison, Night Life
Pia Rönicke, Bordered
Sandra Schäfer, Westerwald: Eine Heimsuchung, Westerwald: A Visitation
Nicole Hewitt, Žene minorne spekulacije Women Minor Speculations
Sonia Leber, David Chesworth, Where Lakes Once Had Water
Jonna Kina, After Life followed by Red Impasto Jar
Daniel Kötter, Water & Coltan

  • 4pm / Cour vitrée / We are the stuff that dreams are made of

Screening, meetings, discussions
Tor-Finn Malum Fitje, Thomas Anthony Hill, Ad Nauseam: The End of Kitchen Politics
Christopher Tym, a.o.k
Ross Meckfessel, Estuary
Annelore Schneider, Claude Piguet, White Shadow
Sam Crane, We Are Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On
Michael Paulus, A View of Above
Graham Kelly, Skull Island Part III

  • 6pm / Amphi des Loges / Diffraction of language

Screening, meetings, discussions
Pauline Julier, Cercate Ortensia
Laure Prouvost, Re-dit-en-un-in-learning
Frances Scott, Aureole
Sandro Aguilar, The Detection Of Faint Companions
Adel Abidin, Musical Manifest
Sibi Sekar, Of Other Spaces

  • 8pm / Amphi des Loges / Political incantations

Screening, meetings, discussions
Nino Laisne, The Air of the Unfortunate
John Smith, Covid Messages
Tamar Guimarães, Soap: Epidode 5 - Moses And Monotheism 
Filip Markiewicz, Euro Hamlet


Wednesday, May 4 - Programming

  • 2pm - 7pm / Honorary Amphitheatre / Ecosystem Assembly

Temporary presentation, video works and virtual reality
Matthew Garrison, Night Life
Pia Rönicke, Bordered
Sandra Schäfer, Westerwald: Eine Heimsuchung, Westerwald: A Visitation
Nicole Hewitt, Žene minorne spekulacije Women Minor Speculations
Sonia Leber, David Chesworth, Where Lakes Once Had Water
Jonna Kina, After Life followed by Red Impasto Jar
Daniel Kötter, Water & Coltan

  • 4pm / Cour vitrée / Glorious Body

Screening, meetings, discussions
Saarat Ekström, Shadow Codex
Nho Huynh Cong, Me Dat Mother of Earth
Jana Schulz, Home Series. Ashley Temba
Vukan Žarković, Aromana
Javier De Frutos, Whoever You Are
Eman Hussein, Belia 
Igor Dimitri, Salsa
Christine Ayo, Ikoce Volume I

  • 6pm / Amphi des Loges / Landscape politics

Screening, meetings, discussions
Rajee Samarasinghe, Misery Next Time 
Michiel Van Bakel, Bogwaters
Jussi Eerola, Obsidian Blue Pearl
Miranda Pennell, Strange Object
Don Hai Phú Daedalus, Celilo Falls in Quarantine 
Arjuna Neuman, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Soot Breath // Corpus Infinitum

  • 8pm / Amphi des Loges / Collective replay

Screening, meetings, discussions
Claudia Claremi, El Tiempo 
Dora García, Si Pudiera Desear Algo If I Could Wish for Something


Complete program from May 2 to 8: 


Penser le présent is realized with the support of Société Générale.

Free admission subject to availability