Friday 31 March 2023

10:00am - 11:30am

Atelier Guillaume Paris

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


In the biological world, molecules such as cells and living beings happily play with each other. Supported by each other, they innovate, interact and transform the planet. Nested genes, microbial scaffolding, partnerships between organisms, evolution has always been a matter of interlocking networks. Could interference between microorganisms and our own biology explain the phenomenon of ageing?  We will approach this question from an interspecific angle, with the prospect of possible biotechnological hybridisations.     
Eric Bapteste, evolutionary biologist and philosopher, research director at the CNRS, Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité. Eric Bapteste holds two doctorates, one in phylogenomics and the other in the philosophy of biology. His research has led him to explore new approaches to represent, structure and analyse the evolution of genetic diversity. He is the author of numerous scientific publications, but he also enjoys writing stories, short stories and novels.

His first popular books on evolution were published in 2015, including:

For children and the curious:

  • Le monde surprenant des microbes : virus, bactéries, archées... (Éditions Circonflexe, 2022)
  • Tout se transforme ! How evolution works (Éditions Circonflexe, 2022)

For adults:

  • All intertwined! From genes to super-organisms: the networks of evolution (Belin, 2017)
  • Les gènes voyageurs: l'odyssée de l'évolution (Belin, 2021)
  • Conflits intérieurs: fable scientifique (Éditions Matériologiques, 2015)

For more information

Practical information

Guillaume Paris workshop (First workshop on the right in the courtyard)

As part of the seminar "Espèces de rencontres / Rencontres entre espèces" led by Patricia Ribault

Free admission. Registration required: