Thursday 31 March 2022

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Amphithéâtre d'Honneur

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


In the folds of exquisite cadavers

Each fold shows a great elegance for those who know how to contemplate it. For the physicist, the artist or the art historian, this physical phenomenon carries fundamental questions with unexpected consequences. From one keyword to another, our three guests will engage in the exercise of exquisite cadavers: a first speaker will bring a notion into play, unfold its meaning, and pass it on to the second speaker, then the third, and so on. An Ulpian way of questioning the notion of beauty in three different fields of research, to elicit analogies and metaphors that allow us to enrich our view of the world.


Benoit Roman | CNRS Research Director, member of the Physics and Mechanics of Heterogeneous Media laboratory of the ESPCI - PSL.
Dominique Peysson | Visual artist and researcher in arts.
Guitemie Maldonado | Art historian, Beaux-Arts de Paris.

Format of the conference

The Working Lectures inaugurate a new conference format in the service of current research and interdisciplinarity. The Beauty Chair invites an academic or artistic personality to present a current working hypothesis, and leaves it up to him or her to invite one or more colleagues of his or her choice, from different disciplines, to come and stimulate and question his or her reflection. The title "Working Lecture" refers explicitly to "Working Papers": scientific working papers that are "work in progress" versions of academic articles, book chapters or journals. These papers are intended to encourage discussion and contribute to the advancement of knowledge on a specific topic, outside the traditional publishing circuit. The "Working Lectures" are part of this principle of production and dissemination of knowledge, consistent with the prospective dimension of the Beauty Chair.


Registration required


Photo credit: Dominique Peysson, Singular points, 2014