Wednesday 27 March 2024

7:00pm - 8:30pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


To mark the publication of her latest book, La vraie histoire de l'impressionnisme. Manet, Morisot et les autres (Vrin, 2024), philosopher Fabienne Brugère and artist Agnès Thurnauer discuss the feminist legacies of the Impressionists and the erased modernities.

As part of the "Troubles, alliances and aesthetics" chair, coordinated by Fabrice Bourlez and Madeleine Planeix-Crocker.

Fabienne Brugère has been professor of philosophy at Université Paris 8 Vincennes à Saint-Denis since September 2014. Prior to that, she was a professor at Bordeaux-Montaigne University and chaired the Sustainable Development Council of Bordeaux Métropole from 2008 to 2015. She chaired the ComUE Université Paris Lumières from 2019 to 2023 and is now director of a research unit, LEGS (Laboratoire d'études de genre et de sexualité).

She is responsible (in collaboration with Guillaume le Blanc) for the "Diagnostics" collection published by Editions du Bord de l'Eau and (in collaboration with Claude Gautier) for the "Perspectives du care" collection published by Editions de l'ENS Lyon. She is a member of the editorial board of Esprit magazine. She has also taught at the Universities of Hamburg, Munich and Quebec. Her work focuses on the philosophy of art and moral and political philosophy.

She has published numerous works, including in recent years Le sexe de la sollicitude, Seuil, 2008; Philosophie de l'art, PUF, 2010; L'éthique du care, PUF, 2011; Faut-il se révolter?, Bayard, 2012. She has edited or co-edited a number of books on Spinoza, Foucault, Judith Butler, liberalism and the work of art, followed in October 2013 by La politique de l'individu, published by Seuil/La République des idées. With Guillaume le Blanc, she published Dictionnaire politique à l'usage des gouvernés (Bayard, 2012) and La fin de l'hospitalité (Flammarion, 2017). In April 2019, she will publish On ne naît pas femme, on le devient and Le peuple des femmes. Un tour du monde féministe with Guillaume le Blanc (Flammarion, February 2020). Her latest book, La vraie histoire de l'impressionnisme. Manet, Morisot et les autres has just been published (February 2024) by Vrin.

Fabienne Brugère has worked on the public space of art in the eighteenth century, the link between ethics and politics in contemporary Anglo-American philosophy, feminist theory and the question of democracy.

She has been a knight of the Légion d'honneur since April 2015.

The Franco-Swiss artist Agnès Thurnauer is one of the most recognised figures on the French contemporary art scene. Since the mid-1990s, she has built up an innovative body of work in which she mainly explores language (words, meaning, reciprocity) through painting, sculpture and installation. In her practice, writing is often integrated into the image in a variety of expressive ways, and the allusive power of the subject refers the viewer to art history as well as to contemporary concerns. The visual quality of language is also experienced in three dimensions through his sculptures, which are made up of casts of letters in different scales, involving both the eye and the body.

Her work has been exhibited at the Musée Matisse in Nice, the LAM in Villeneuve d'Ascq, the Musée d'art moderne de Fontevraud, the Centre Pompidou, the Musée des beaux-arts d'Angers, the Musée Unterlinden in Colmar, the Château de Montsoreau-Collection Philippe Méaille and many others. She has also shown her work in Belgium at the SMAK in Ghent, in the USA at the Seattle Art Museum and the Edgewood Gallery at Yale, in Brazil at the CCBB in Rio and in numerous biennials and art centres.

Her works are in numerous private and public collections: Centre Georges-Pompidou; Musée de l'Armée; Musée National de l'histoire de l'immigration; Musée des Beaux-arts de Nantes; Musée des Beaux-arts d'Angers; Musée d'Unterlinden; Fonds d'art contemporain - Paris Collections; FRAC (Bretagne, Auvergne, Île de France).

Agnès Thurnauer regularly collaborates with writers, philosophers and poets on publications and artists' books (Michèle Cohen-Halimi, Tiphaine Samoyault, Rod Mengham, Marie Darrieussecq, Anne Portugal...).

Amphithéâtre des Loges - 14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6e
Free admission, subject to availability

Photo credit: droits réservés - Astrid di Crollalanza Ed-Flammarion