
From Monday 10 May 2021 to Wednesday 12 May 2021

4:00pm - 5:30pm

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Site web des Beaux-Arts de Paris


Inhabiting the Landscape Chair: Art meets the living
The production of works in shared territory by living humans and non-humans


For this first cycle of conferences of the chair "Inhabiting the Landscape Chair: Art meets the living", the art historian Estelle Zhong Mengual invites three French curators who approach creation in a natural environment as creation on a specific territory shared by living humans and non-humans. From the Alpes de Haute-Provence to a forest in the Meuse, via the Monts d'Ardèche, they explore three different ways of thinking about the landscape and producing works that are capable of weaving relationships between art and the living.




  • Monday May 10, 4pm: "All around" the Cairn

Julie Michel, assistant director at Cairn, an artistic laboratory in the mountains, attached to the Gassendi Museum.

The intervention will unfold some threads of a geo-history of the Gassendi Museum and its artistic laboratory in the mountains, the Cairn, and will explore the approaches of some of the allied figures who have surveyed the territory protected by the UNESCO Geopark of Haute-Provence and have worked in the "spirit of the place".


Julie Michel studied at the Beaux-arts de Nantes (DNSEP, 2011) and completed a post-graduate course in art and sound creation at ENSA Bourges (2014) before becoming an associate artist for research in the context of the prefiguration of the Diplôme Supérieur de Recherche en Art (between 2015 and 2017). Initiator of the NightOwl collective with Olivier Crabbé (2015), she engaged in a research and dissemination activity around Knud Viktor. In 2018, she moved near Digne-les-Bains to teach art history at the IDBL - intercommunal art school. Since 2019, Julie Michel is an assistant director at Cairn, art center. She is preparing a thesis at the University of Paris-Est (laboratory LiSAA - Literatures, Savoirs et Arts).



  • Tuesday, May 11, 4pm: Art and Landscape, happy connections

David Moinard, director of Atelier Delta and artistic director of Sentier des Lauzes

Intimately linked to the territories on which they are implanted, two artistic experiences carried out in the territory of the Monts d'Ardèche Regional Natural Park will be presented, testifying to the formidable capacity of contemporary artistic creation to create human adventures and to reveal what is hidden. The works created, far from imposing themselves on the landscape, rather accompany it, become one with it, and reveal issues that are specific to it, because they exist only through it and for it. Deliberately placing artistic creation in the major role it plays in the making of society, David Moinard will evoke the action of the New Sponsors as well as the stakes of art in the elaboration of a new narrative necessary at the time of climate change.


Initially responsible for the artistic programming of the Plastic Arts department of the Lieu Unique, Scène Nationale de Nantes, David Moinard became in 2005 responsible for the artistic programming of Estuaire Nantes - Saint-Nazaire and then, in 2011, of the Voyage à Nantes. David Moinard is the founder of Atelier Delta, a cultural engineering agency specialized in the conception and implementation of artistic projects linked to specific territories and geographies. In this capacity, he participates as an artistic advisor in territorial development projects for architects, urban planners or landscape architects and works as a curator and artistic director of contemporary creation projects, mainly in the public space, such as Le Partage des Eaux, a perennial route inaugurated in the summer of 2017 in the Parc Naturel Régional des Monts d'Ardèche and Les Valleuses, inaugurated in the summer of 2018 in Varengeville-sur-Mer in Normandy.



  • Wednesday, May 12, 4pm: Artists at the heart of know-how

Pascal Yonet, director of Le Vent des forêts, a contemporary art center in agricultural and forestry areas.

How can artist residencies in rural areas combine innovation and local know-how? For a tailor-made approach to artistic projects, thought out in osmosis with the resources, contexts and mutations in progress.


Pascal Yonet directs the Vent des Forêts association, a contemporary art center of national interest dedicated to research, production, exhibition and artistic mediation in agricultural and forestry territories. A philosopher by training, he was from 2001 to 2008 deputy director of the Centre national de l'édition et de l'art imprimé (Cneai).



The Chair "Inhabiting the landscape. Art meets the living" was created with the support of Dior Parfums.


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Photos credits: Vent des Forêts ; all right reserved