Wednesday 8 November 2023

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


In June 2023, three naturalists, Grégoire Loïs, Elodie Renouard and Maxime Zucca, undertook a naturalistic study of the Beaux-Arts de Paris. They investigated those who cohabit with us on a daily basis, often invisibly: plants, birds, insects, bats, small mammals...

Today, they've come to present their findings, so that we can get to know this living world we come into contact with every day: how can we make school more hospitable to them, and thus to us? How can we make the school more hospitable to them, and thus to us? How can we imagine an artistic creation that is able to make us aware of their presence and encourage it?


This conference takes place as part of the "Habiter le paysage - Pratiques artistiques d'hospitalité pour le vivant" chair, coordinated by Estelle Zhong Mengual. With the support of Christian Dior Parfums.


Grégoire Loïs has been passionate about nature in all its forms since early childhood. He joined the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle almost thirty years ago to work in the Bird Ringing Department. He now holds a position as a naturalist at the Agence Régionale de la Biodiversité d'Ile-de-France, as well as being deputy director of Vigie-Nature at the Muséum.


Elodie Renouard has always had a passion for living things, but especially plants. After six years of landscape studies, she went on to complete a master's degree in "anthropology and ethnobotany" at the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, followed by a master's degree in "fauna and flora expertise", in an attempt to answer societal questions at the frontiers of disciplines that often have little to say to each other. She set up her own company, Boketto, in the early 2010s.


Ornithologist, naturalist, author of a book on bird migration and co-author of a book on the birds of Paris, Maxime Zucca is a member of the Conseil national de protection de la nature, scientific coordinator of the association Réensauvager la ferme and independent ecologist.


Amphithéâtre des Loges – 14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6e

Free admission subject to availability


Photo credits: © Right reserved