Saturday 25 June 2022

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre de morphologie

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Cercle s'ouvre - Invitation by Fanny Béguery, 2011 graduate

& Sa marmelade

Shrouded and the Dinner - created in 2012 by the coming together of five friends, Sylvain Azam, Astrid de la Chapelle, Adel Ghezal, Lina Hentgen and Julien Tiberi, at the invitation of a concert for the magazine Mercure - has continued on its musical path ever since, a gruppetto that is constantly letting go and holding on like this. 

In 2018, at the invitation of the CNAP for La Nouvelle Adresse in Pantin, Shrouded becomes Marmelade by inviting its nebula of singer and performer friends, birds, flutists, micro-skates...  The marmalade is constantly renewed, moulting, singing, brayed, depending on the place and the time.

With : 

Astrid de la Chapelle, Lina Hentgen, Sylvain Azam, Julien Tibéri, Lisa Duroux, Cécile Paris, Pierre Ryngaert, Giuliana Zefferi, Fanny Béguery, Raphaël Zarka, Vincent Israël-Jost, Madeleine Aktypi, Jason Glasser and Sophie Glasser