Saturday 11 June 2022

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Amphithéâtre de morphologie

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Cercle s’ouvre - Association Cercle Chromatique des diplômés des Beaux-Arts de Paris


« Air and the investigation of the imaginary breath Phrenos – la Banque du Souffle »


Meeting between the pneumologist and biologist of the Fondation du Souffle, Paris

Jean-Philippe Santoni and the artist-researcher Filomena Borecka

Moderation: Pauline Lisowski, art critic


An exchange on different issues related to breath that crystallize through the investigation of the imaginary associated with breath "Phrenos - the Bank of Breath" will be at the heart of the next Circle opens. From the figuration of the breath to its embodiment through this penetrable sound sculpture, Filomena Borecka's works invite us to become aware of the breath. During the meeting, take a moment to experiment with breath, share it and contribute to the investigation of the imaginary of the Phrenos breath.


Filomena Borecka, "Air and the investigation of the imaginary of the Phrenos breath. An interview with the pneumologist Jean-Philippe Santoni. Fondation du Souffle, Paris," [Plastik]: Towards an Aesthetics of the Elements #10 [online], posted 19 January 2022, accessed 25 March 2022.



Pauline Lisowski "Le souffle créateur" an interview with Filomena Borecka, [Point contemporain] online 7 January 2021 [online], accessed 26 April 2022.

Filomena Borecka

La Fondation du souffle

Pauline Lisowski
Art critic, curator, art, nature and landscape journalist
Member of AICA and CEA.


In partnership with the Czech Cultural Centre