Monday 11 March 2024

6:30pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre d'Honneur

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Selecting beauty?
A Performing-Lecture based on Suzanne de Baecque's show "Tenir debout 
The Beauté.s Chair is inaugurating a new form of conference, the Performing-Lecture, bringing together a round-table of researchers to discuss an artistic performance.
To inaugurate this new format, the actress Suzanne de Baecque, who infiltrated the Miss Poitou-Charentes contest by presenting herself as a candidate, offers us an extract from her show "Tenir debout". With humour and kindness, she questions the beauty selection process.

A round-table discussion with researchers and artists will explore the issues raised by these beauty contests, in particular the standards they convey, the ways in which they coerce bodies, and the hopes of social advancement they symbolise.

Guest speakers:
Claudine Cohen, historian and philosopher of science, Director of Studies at EHESS and Emeritus Director of Studies at EPHE-PSL (3rd section, Biogeosciences Laboratory).

Camille Couvry, researcher associated with the DySoLab laboratory and winner of the 2019 Beauté.s Chair thesis prize.

Suzanne de Baecque, actress and director.

Gabrielle Smith, director and doctoral student in the history of fashion at Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne.

Maria Francesca Martinez Tagliavia, director of the Palermo Modern Art Gallery and the Sicilian Ethnographic Museum "Giuseppe Pitrè.

A convivial cocktail will be offered to all at the end of the conference.


The Beauté.s Chair, initiated by PSL University, establishes a scientific ecosystem that encourages interdisciplinary reflection on the concept of beauty. This initiative is a space dedicated to research and training, disseminating its advances to a wide audience through seminars, conferences, innovative projects and publications.