Wednesday 12 October 2022

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre d'Honneur

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


The REG-ARTS project is a joint project of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, the CNRS and the INHA. Its objective is to establish an essential resource for art history, enriched digital access to the registration registers of student painters and sculptors at the École des Beaux-Arts de Paris between 1813 and 1968.  

The evening of 12 October is the first session of a monthly seminar that will bring together artists and researchers to establish this database, which, by making it possible to produce statistics as well as to visualise trajectories and network effects, will provide material for a critical re-evaluation of the history of the École des Beaux-Arts. 

In order to question the contemporary nature of the issues raised by Reg-Arts, the three project leaders, France Nerlich (INHA), Déborah Laks (CNRS) and Alice Thomine-Berrada (Beaux-Arts de Paris) will engage in a dialogue with theorist and art critic Thierry de Duve, professor at Hunter College (City University of New York), author of Faire école (1992, republished in 2008 under the title Faire école (ou la refaire) and Hélène Delprat, artist, former student and teacher at Beaux-Arts de Paris.


The REG-ARTS project is supported by the Malatier-Jacquet Foundation, hosted by the Fondation de France


More to come:

25 November 2022 (2-4pm, Beaux-Arts de Paris, amphitheatre)
Mémoires d'atelier I
François-René Martin (Beaux-Arts De Paris/École Du Louvre), Clara Lespesailles (École du Louvre), Alain Bonnet (Université de Bourgogne) 

16 December 2022 
Mémoires d'atelier II (2-4pm, INHA, salle Vasari)
Déborah Laks (CNRS), Emilie Verger (PhD in art history, Université de Paris Panthéon Sorbonne), Flore Chesnay (artist)