Thursday 8 February 2024

7:00pm - 8:30pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


Arthur Dujols-Luquet
Please mind the gap-, 2023
Dance duet co-created and danced with Jeanne Bigot.
30 mins

"A search between two bodies that, through a series of failures, questions the notion of encounter.
And you, what am I? And me, what are you?
3 + 1 tableaux, 4 attempts at encounter, like a series of experiments in the laboratory that is the research space, a series of failures in search of a stable state, the study of the body through the body, by putting it in tension, in contact, in confrontation, by putting it in play and in play, by making it hurt and making it laugh, by linking it together and making it fall apart. Total fusion appears to us as a risk. To avoid it, we have to calibrate the interstice of the encounter, measure the breathing of the sensitive. But how can we measure something that cannot be measured?" 

Béryl Coulombié in collaboration with Victoire Marion Monéger
Fountain, 2023

"Fontaine is a short-lived sculpture. Fontaine was born of a marvellous idea: to piss on myself upside down."

Marielle Macé
Reading from her essay 
Respire, published by Verdier, 2023
30 mins

This book is about today, about our asphyxiation and our great need for air. Because a fairly unbreathable atmosphere is becoming our ordinary environment. And we're dreaming more than ever of breathing: detoxifying the ground, the skies, our relationships, our daily lives, breathing in, breathing out. Perhaps, in fact, we're only talking about breathing, about making things breathable or making them so. All you have to do is say the word "Respire", and the outside world comes rushing in, drawn in, sucked in, hoping for the call of language.

Palais des Beaux-arts, 13 quai Malaquais, Paris 6e
2€, 5€ or 10€, the choice is yours!

Photo credits : 
Arthur Dujols-Luquet, Corps - Forces - Matières, 5th year diploma, 2023 © Sacha Boccara
Béryl Coulombié, LL, 5th year diploma, 2023 © Sacha Boccara
Cover Respire, Verdier, 2023