The Delegation académique à l'éducation artistique et à l'action culturelle (DAAC) of the Créteil education authority and Beaux-Arts de Paris are continuing the educational program for middle and high schools: "Une classe, un atelier" ("one class, one studio") in 2023-24 with 5 middle or high schools in the Créteil education authority in conjunction with 5 workshops at the School.


This project is intended to involve a larger number of classes from the three academies in the Paris region (Créteil, Paris, Versailles), thanks to two new sponsors of the mediation program for young audiences, the Gide Pro Bono endowment fund and the Fondation Minou-Amir Aslani.


As part of the "Parcours d'éducation artistique et culturelle" (artistic and cultural education program), which is designed to encourage encounters with artworks and artists, as well as the acquisition of knowledge and artistic practice, "Une classe, un atelier" is based on a meeting between a middle or high school class and a Beaux-Arts de Paris studio, to exchange knowledge and raise awareness of studio practice and artistic education.


The project is aimed at schools in priority education networks, rural areas, vocational high schools and classes with pupils with special educational needs. It is structured around 2 major events during the year:

- autumn/winter a time to discover the Beaux-Arts de Paris and emblematic areas of the school (from a pedagogical and cultural point of view), and a meeting with the students.

- spring:  a visit to an exhibition at Beaux-Arts in Paris.