The contemporary drawing prize, to be awarded on 28 June 2023, will go to Timothée GRUEL, a 4th year student at the Eitel studio. He will receive an endowment from the association Le cabinet des amateurs de dessins de l'École des Beaux-Arts, which will acquire one of his works for the Beaux-Arts de Paris, to enrich the collection of contemporary drawings.

An exhibition dedicated to the five finalists: Alessandro Di Lorenzo, Timothée Gruel, Anis Nabil Harbaoui, Elina Huneman and Charles Mornaud was presented during the Open Workshops from Thursday 29 June to Saturday 1 July at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

For the 10th edition in 2023, the jury, chaired by Stanislas d'Alburquerque, included Matthieu de Boisséson, Florence Guerlain, Cecilia Hottinguer, Nathalie Motte-Masselink, Daniel Thierry and Kathy Alliou.

Prize selection committee: Sylvie Prouté, Emmanuel du Douët de Graville, Daniel Guerlain, Nicolas Joly, Laurie Marty de Cambiaire, Frédérique Loutz and Hélène Gasnault.

Created in 2013 by the association Le Cabinet des amateurs de dessins de l'École des Beaux-Arts, the Contemporary Drawing Prize aims to encourage and support young artists. It is awarded each year to a student in their fourth, fifth or sixth year at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.