A major figure on the contemporary art scene, SAMMY BALOJI is invited by the Festival d'Automne à Paris and Beaux-Arts de Paris, as part of the Africa 2020 season, to present his first solo exhibition in a Parisian institution. His work is organized as a vast research, through the memory of the Republic of Congo, on the effects and permanence of colonial history. A set of drawings and a series of transfers on copper plates were produced from the geometric weave of Kongo weavings in raffia fibre. Sammy Baloji was particularly interested in the patrimonial path of these objects, from the first cabinets of curiosity to ethnographic museums.


All information about the exhibition can be found here.


June 10 to July 18, 2021
Wed. to Sun. 1pm-7pm (night Wed. until 9pm)
13 quai Malaquais, Paris 6e