The marble statues that adorn the entrance to the School's Palais des Études have just been completely cleaned and restored.

This restoration was made possible thanks to a Kärcher skill-based sponsorship for the Beaux-Arts de Paris. In total, 8 marble statues and 10 limestone pedestals have just been completely cleaned and restored. These works are in the inventory of the collections of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, which received the designation Museums of France in 2017.


Erected between 1828 and 1840, the Palais des Études was dedicated by the architect Félix Duban, to the study of the Greco-Roman model, the most important pedagogical reference in the eyes of the young painters and sculptors who frequented the rue Bonaparte in the 19th and 20th centuries. The architect considered it essential to incorporate sculptures made by the most promising students of the School, the winners of the Prix de Rome, into the façade of his architectural project.


The restoration of this group of sculptures allows the historical importance of the Greco-Roman model in the teaching of the Beaux-Arts de Paris to be highlighted to students and visitors, and will make more visible the process of transmission that has irrigated the functioning of the school since its foundation.


In order to restore the works to their full glory, Kärcher teams and a restorer accredited by Museums of France, under the supervision of the Paris Fine Arts collections department, proceeded to meticulously clean the statues and pedestals with specific solutions.


Read the press release (FR)